Testrail test management for jira


​6.1 The Customer shall examine the Licensed Software immediately upon installation and shall report any defect without delay. Software defects are solely reproducible faults, whose causes are to be found in defects in the Licensed Software concerned, and in substantial deviations of functionality between the Licensed Software supplied and the documentation. In respect of updates or upgrades, Customer’s rights in case of defects shall be limited to the new feature of the update or upgrade.

6.2 For defects in the licensed programs, Gurock will initially at its own discretion, provide a warranty either by remedying the defect or by supplying a new software release (rectification). Instructions from Gurock for bypassing a software defect (a workaround) shall be construed as sufficient remediation.

6.3 If the rectification attempted by Gurock has failed, the Customer may, at his discretion, demand a reduction in the price (diminution) or cancellation of the agreement (revocation). A rectification is deemed to have failed after the second unsuccessful attempt, unless circumstances lead to a different conclusion. In cases of minor defects, the Customer shall not have any right of revocation.

If the Customer revokes the agreement because of a legal or substantive defect following a failed attempt to rectification, the Customer shall not be additionally entitled to claim damages by reason of the defect concerned.

6.4 The limitation period for all warranty claims shall be 12 months commencing with the download of the Licensed Software onto the Customer’s computer system for the first time. In respect of the delivery of updates or upgrades, the period for such deliverables shall in each case commence with download of the update or upgrade.

Generate Migration

Assume you have a table containing books, including their titles, price, and a small description. The following migration sets up this table −

testapp > ruby script/generate migration books

Now modify the testapp/db/migrate/20080616170315_books.rb file as follows −

class Books < ActiveRecord::Migration
   def self.up
      create_table :books do |t|
         t.string     :title, :limit => 32, :null => false
         t.float      :price
         t.text       :description
         t.timestamp  :created_at
   def self.down
      drop_table :books

Now run the migration as follows −

testapp > rake db:migrate

This will create books table in testapp_development database. Thereafter, we need to set up your test database using rake command as follows −

C:\ruby\testapp > rake db:test:clone_structure

This will clone the testapp_development database into testapp_test database. It means whatever you have in the development database, now you will have the same data in the test database as well.

What is Minitest?

Minitest is a complete testing suite for Ruby, supporting test-driven development (TDD), behavior-driven development (BDD), mocking, and benchmarking. It’s small, fast, and it aims to make tests clean and readable.

If you’re new to Minitest, you can take a look at our tutorial on getting started with Minitest.

Minitest is the default testing suite included by default with new Rails applications, so no further setting up is required to get it to work. Minitest and RSpec are the two most common testing suites used in Ruby. If you’d like to learn more about RSpec, you can read our tutorial on getting started with RSpec as well as this tutorial on mocking with RSpec: doubles and expectations.


10.1 The pre-contractual, contractual and non-contractual liability of Gurock is limited to cases of intent and gross negligence.

10.2 In cases of ordinary negligence Gurock’s liability shall be limited to the breach of contractual obligations which are cardinal obligations. Cardinal obligations are those obligations for which due fulfilment is essential to the proper implementation of the contract as a whole, and the contractual partner may depend upon their fulfilment.

10.3 Furthermore, the amount of damages shall be limited to those losses which are generally foreseeable in connection with providing the Services. The amount of damages to be claimed from Gurock is capped at the amount paid by the Customer for the Service offered by Gurock within the last 12 month before the damage occurred.

10.4 The liability for loss of data shall be restricted to typical recovery expenses which would have arisen if regular backup copies had been made by the Customer commensurate with the risks associated with the loss of such data.

10.5 The above limitations of liability shall also apply where Gurock is vicariously responsible for its employees and agents.

10.6 The limitations of liability in this section 10 shall not apply to liability resulting from injury to the life, body or health of a person or under the German Product Liability Law.

10.7 Any claims for damages by the Customer relating to defects in the supplied Software shall be subject to a limitation period of 12 months. This does not apply to defects which have been intentionally concealed by Gurock.

10.8 Gurock is not liable for damages resulting from defects of server infrastructure, hardware failure, network outages or any other circumstances out of Gurock’s control and not directly caused by Gurock or its employees.

Системы управления тестами


Вы можете указывать в результатах тестов ID задач в YouTrack. ID задач автоматически преобразуются в ссылки на YouTrack. В TestRail также можно настроить отображение ссылки на страницу создания задачи, чтобы тестировщикам было проще создавать их.


Настройте автоматическое создание задач в YouTrack при каждом неудачном завершении тест-кейса в TestLodge. При этом в YouTrack будет передаваться детальная информация, включая описание, шаги для воспроизведения, а также ожидаемый и фактический результаты. В каждый неудачно завершившийся тест-кейс добавляется прямая ссылка на созданный тикет.


Связывайте результаты выполнения тест-кейса в TestLink с соответствующей задачей, созданной в YouTrack. Форма создания задачи также доступна непосредственно из TestLink.


Создавайте задачи непосредственно из неудачных тест-кейсов и связывайте существующие задачи с определенными этапами тест-кейса. При создании задачи из PractiTest ее заголовок и описание автоматически заполняются на основе описания тест-кейса.


Вы можете публиковать тикеты из Zendesk в YouTrack. Для этого отправьте приглашение к общему доступу из Zendesk и примите его в YouTrack. При появлении тикета с общим доступом в YouTrack будет автоматически создана новая задача.

Далее все изменения в общих задачах будут синхронизироваться между Zendesk и YouTrack. Для того чтобы быстро открыть со страницы задачи в YouTrack соответствующий тикет в Zendesk, используйте ссылки, добавленные при интеграции.

Электронная почта

Общайтесь со своими клиентами со страниц задач в YouTrack, не создавая дополнительных пользовательских аккаунтов. Когда клиент отправляет письмо вашей команде поддержки, YouTrack автоматически создает новую задачу и сохраняет адрес электронной почты автора. В дальнейшем он будет получать по электронной почте уведомления о комментариях инженеров технической поддержки, оставленных к задаче, и о внесенных ими изменениях, а ответы клиента будут автоматически добавляться к задаче в качестве комментариев.

Модули аутентификации

Выполняйте вход в YouTrack с помощью учетных данных Google, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket Cloud, Active Directory, Yahoo, AOL, OpenID, LDAP или даже Jira. Для этого достаточно настроить соответствующий модуль аутентификации.


Подключение YouTrack Stand-alone к Atlassian Confluence позволяет вставлять на страницы Confluence динамические ссылки, визуально отражающие состояние задач в YouTrack. На страницы Confluence также можно добавлять отчеты, основанные на поисковых запросах YouTrack.

Поддержка OpenSearch для Chrome, Firefox и IE

Формат OpenSearch позволяет искать в YouTrack задачи из адресной строки браузера. Например, наберите для:я #незавершенная в поисковой строке браузера, чтобы увидеть список всех назначенных вам открытых задач.


In this tutorial, we covered how to integration test Rails applications with Minitest and Capybara. We now have a functional Rails application that is covered with integration tests. After reading this tutorial, you should have an idea of how integration tests can be used to simulate a user within your Rails application, as well as how integration tests can in part, or fully, replace functional controller tests.

If you found this tutorial helpful, you might want to check out some of the other tutorials on testing in the Semaphore Community.

If you’d like to learn how to set up a BDD stack on a Rails 5 application, this tutorial is the best next read for you.

We’d also like to hear your comments and questions, so feel free to leave them in the section below.

P.S. Would you like to learn how to build sustainable Rails apps and ship more often? We’ve recently published an ebook covering just that — “Rails Testing Handbook”. Learn more and download a free copy.

Feature specs

Feature specs, a kind of acceptance test, are high-level tests that walk through
your entire application ensuring that each of the components work together.
They’re written from the perspective of a user clicking around the application
and filling in forms. We use RSpec and Capybara, which allow you to
write tests that can interact with the web page in this manner.

Here is an example RSpec feature test:

This test emulates a user visiting the new form, filling it in, and
clicking “Create”. The test then asserts that the page has the text of the
created where it expects it to be.

While these are great for testing high level functionality, keep in mind that
feature specs are slow to run. Instead of testing every possible path through
your application with Capybara, leave testing edge cases up to your model, view,
and controller specs.

I tend to get questions about distinguishing between RSpec and Capybara methods.
Capybara methods are the ones that are actually interacting with the page, i.e.
clicks, form interaction, or finding elements on the page. Check out the docs
for more info on Capybara’s finders,
matchers, and actions.

Step by Step Test Rail Usage in Agile (Scrum) Sprints

1- Preparing Test Cases

First, click “Test Cases” tab and then click “Add Section” to add a section. It can be our sprint name. We should order and organize our test cases under sections and subsections. We are using below way to organize test cases.

Sprints = Sections

Stories = Subsections

In order to provide standardization, we use a naming format for sections.

Section Naming Format: Sprint-{$Current_Sprint_Number}-{$Sprint_Deadline}

Example Section Name: Sprint-142-2016.07.29

You can find your actual sprint number in JIRA. In order to get this, go to JIRA Agile board and click the icon which is shown on below image.

After the declaration of a section, we need to create stories (subsections) and under subsection, we should create test cases of the related story. We can do this by clicking “Add Subsection” link and then a subsection will be automatically created. We should also be careful to give a name to the subsection.

Subsection Format: JIRA Ticket ID: Ticket Summary

Example: ISVRNSOA-103: Uygunluk – Pozisyona göre puanlama

After this step, we can add our test cases under the subsections by clicking “Add Case” link.

After that we can click edit button to write our test cases.

You can click arrow icon which is shown on below image and open “3 Column View Mode”. In this view mode, you can see the details of each test case.

Also, you can filter sections and subsections with the filter which is located at the left pane.

You can configure test case column by clicking Columns which is shown on below image.

2- Create a Test Plan and Run Test Cases

Test Plan should be our Sprints. In order to add a test a test plan, click “Test Runs & Results” tab and then click “Add Test Plan” button.

We should be careful about naming convention again for the test plans. We are using “Sprint-$Sprint_Number-$Sprint_Deadline” as a naming format.

Example: Sprint-142-29.07.2016

After creating test plan, we need to create a test run and add test cases into it. After this step, we can execute test cases. To add a test run, click “Edit” button of test plan and then click “Add Test Run(s)” button on the left pane.

We can add test cases by clicking “select cases” link which are shown on below image.

Also, we can change the assignee of the test cases by clicking “change” link.

At last step, we click “Save Test Plan” button and click “OK” button to save settings.

Now, our test plan and test run are ready. We can click Test Run and go to Test Run screen and execute our test cases.

When we click Test Run, we will see below page. In here we can see test cases scenarios and their results/status. We can change test case statuses by clicking them.

In order to change the result of multiple test cases, we should select the related test cases by clicking the check-boxes which are located right side of them, then click “Add Results” button and change their results.

When the tests are executed, their statuses changes simultaneously.

In order to switch “3 column view” mode, we click > arrow icon. We can see the details of test cases and execute them in this mode.

References are our stories. When you hover on them, you can see their details.

About Ruby On Rails Online Test

Ruby on Rails (RoR) is an open-source web application framework written in Ruby, an object-oriented programming language. Rails is a model–view–controller ( MVC ) framework, providing default structures for a database, a web service and web pages. It encourages and facilitates the use of web standards such as XML or JSON for data transfer and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for display and user interfacing. In addition to MVC, Rails emphasizes convention over configuration (CoC), don’t repeat yourself (DRY) and the active record pattern. Ruby is an open source, the dynamic programming language that supports multiple programming paradigms.
The Ruby on Rails programming test helps recruiters & hiring managers to validate skills of the candidates related to Ruby programming on Rails framework before hiring. Screen under-qualified candidates using our scientifically designed Ruby on Rails knowledge test & spend the time interviewing only relevant candidates.
Ruby on Rails coding test enables employers to identify & hire potential ROR developers. Therefore, an emphasis is laid upon evaluating the knowledge of applied skills gained through real work experience rather than theoretical knowledge. Our hiring analytics will be generated instantly which gives you a detailed analysis of technical skills related strengths & weaknesses of the candidates. It will help you in making better hiring decisions. 
Ruby on Rails Online Test is created & validated by our global subject matter experts (SME)s to assess the Ruby programming skills of  ROR developer on Rails — as per Industry Standards. The Ruby on Rails online test contains a combination of application and theory questions that helps you to evaluate technical as well as practical skills of candidates.

The Ruby on Rails test may contain MCQ’s (Multiple Choice Questions), MAQ’s (Multiple Answer Questions), Fill in the Blanks, Descriptive, Whiteboard Questions, Audio / Video Questions, LogicBox (AI-based Pseudo-Coding Platform), Coding Simulations, True or False Questions, etc.  

Example Application

Now that we have everything set up, we’ll introduce an example application where we make use of integration tests.

Since we’re focusing on integration testing, we’ll use generators where we can, and avoid focusing much on other kinds of tests in order to keep this tutorial brief.

Let’s start by running the scaffold generator to create posts.

rails generate scaffold Post title:string body:text

We’ve omitted the output here, it should create all the necessary files for posts. Next we need to migrate the database.

rake db:migrate
== 20161214213527 CreatePosts: migrating ======================================
-- create_table(:posts)
   -> 0.0020s
== 20161214213527 CreatePosts: migrated (0.0024s) =============================

The generator created some tests for us, and although we are not going to be using those, it’s a good idea to run them to make sure everything works.


# Running:


Finished in 1.103736s, 6.3421 runs/s, 8.1541 assertions/s.

7 runs, 9 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

You can also issue at the command line and navigate to http://localhost:3000/posts to check the result. We’re going to be using integration tests to automatically test all of this.


Config for Pytest tests

Add a marker to the tests that will be picked up to be added to the run.

    from pytest_testrail.plugin import testrail

    @testrail('C1234', 'C5678')
    def test_foo():
        # test code goes here

    # OR	

    from pytest_testrail.plugin import pytestrail

    @pytestrail.case('C1234', 'C5678')
    def test_bar():
        # test code goes here

Or if you want to add defects to testcase result:

    from pytest_testrail.plugin import pytestrail

    @pytestrail.defect('PF-524', 'BR-543')
    def test_bar():
        # test code goes here

Config for TestRail

Settings file template config:

    url = https://yoururl.testrail.net/
    email = user@email.com
    password = <api_key>

    assignedto_id = 1
    project_id = 2
    suite_id = 3
    plan_id = 4
    description = 'This is an example description'

    custom_comment = 'This is a custom comment'


Set command line options (see below)


We want to be able to see a list of recent users, i.e. the users created within the previous week. Let’s add a test for this.

# test/models/user_test.rb
test '#recent' do
  assert_includes User.recent, users(:valid)
  refute_includes User.recent, users(:old)

We also need to add a fixture for an old user to have something to test against.

# test/fixtures/users.yml
  name: Old
  email: old@example.com
  created_at: <%= 2.weeks.ago %>

By writing our test to make sure that the valid user is included and the old user is not, we make sure we do not break the test when we add another user fixture in the future.

Run the tests, and they should fail.

NoMethodError: undefined method `recent' for #<Class:0x007ffbe5858278>
    test/models/user_test.rb:29:in `block in <class:UserTest>'

Now, we can add the scope.

# app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
  scope :recent, -> { where('created_at > ?', 1.week.ago) }
  has_many :posts
  validates :name, :email, presence: true

Now that we have added the scope, our tests should pass again.

Final Provisions

11.1 The Customer may set off only legally binding and recognized claims. The rights and obligations arising from these Terms are generally not transferable. However, Gurock may transfer this agreement with all rights and obligations to a company of its choice. If the Customer does not expressly disagree with this in writing within one month from a corresponding notice this is deemed to be his acceptance.

11.2 If any provision of these Terms is or later becomes invalid, or contains omissions, the validity of the other provisions shall remain unaffected. The parties shall agree upon a new provision, which shall resemble the invalid provision as closely as possible in purpose and meaning, to replace the invalid provision. In the event of an omission in the agreement, a provision shall be agreed upon which shall correspond with that which would have been agreed, pursuant to the purpose and meaning of the agreement, if the matter had been considered by the parties when the agreement was formed.

Test doubles and stubs

Test doubles are simple objects that emulate another object in your system.
Often, you will want a simpler stand-in and only need to test one attribute, so
it is not worth loading an entire object.

When you use stubs, you are telling an object to respond to a given method in a
known way. If we stub our double from before

We can now expect our object to always return when prompted for its
. This is a great way to get an impromptu object that responds to a
method without having to use a real object in your system that brings its
dependencies with it. In this example, we stubbed a method on a double, but you
can stub virtually any method on any object.

We can simplify this into one line:

Integration Tests

Let’s create our first integration test. We want to navigate to the index and make sure it lists all the blog posts in our database. Let’s start by updating our fixtures so we can write a test for this.

# test/fixtures/posts.yml

  title: Post Title One
  body: Post body one.

  title: Post Title Two
  body: Post body two.

Here’s our first integration test.

# test/integration/post_flow_test.rb

require 'test_helper'

class PostFlowTest < Capybara::Rails::TestCase
  def setup
    @one = posts :one
    @two = posts :two

  test 'post index' do
    visit posts_path

    assert page.has_content?(@one.title)
    assert page.has_content?(@two.title)

All we did here was visit the post index and make sure that the titles for both posts in our fixtures are present. Let’s run all of our tests again to make sure they all pass. This test should pass without us having to do anything, since the scaffold we generated earlier does this already.


# Running:


Finished in 0.515325s, 15.5242 runs/s, 21.3458 assertions/s.

8 runs, 11 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

Let move on to something a bit more complicated, and test that we can write a new post and submit it. Place it below the other test in our integration test for posts.

# test/integration/post_flow_test.rb


  test 'writing a new post' do
    visit posts_path

    click_on 'New Post'

    fill_in 'Title', with: 'Test Title'
    fill_in 'Body',  with: 'Test Body'

    click_on 'Create Post'

    assert_current_path post_path(Post.last)
    assert page.has_content?('Test Title')
    assert page.has_content?('Test Body')

In this test, we navigate to the post index, click the link to write a new post, fill in the form with some text, and submit the post. We make sure that we’re redirected to the right page and that it contains the text we wrote in the post.

Run the tests again to make sure everything passes. Again, we don’t need to write any code since this test will already pass because of the code generated by the scaffold.


# Running:


Finished in 0.551475s, 16.3199 runs/s, 23.5731 assertions/s.

9 runs, 13 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
# test/integration/post_flow_test.rb

require 'test_helper'

class PostFlowTest < Capybara::Rails::TestCase
  include ActiveJob::TestHelper

  def setup
    @one = posts :one
    @two = posts :two

  test 'post index' do
    visit posts_path

    assert page.has_content?(@one.title)
    assert page.has_content?(@two.title)

  test 'writing a new post' do

    latest_post = Post.last

    assert_current_path post_path(latest_post)
    assert page.has_content?('Test Title')
    assert page.has_content?('Test Body')

  test 'writing a new post sends admin notice' do
    perform_enqueued_jobs do

      last_post = Post.last
      mail      = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last

      assert_equal 'admin@example.com', mail.to_s
      assert_equal 'New post added', mail.subject


  def write_new_post
    visit posts_path

    click_on 'New Post'

    fill_in 'Title', with: 'Test Title'
    fill_in 'Body',  with: 'Test Body'

    click_on 'Create Post'
rails generate mailer PostMailer
# app/mailers/post_mailer.rb

class PostMailer < ApplicationMailer
  def admin_notice(post)
    @post = post
    mail to: 'admin@example.com', subject: 'New post added'

We also need the corresponding views:

<%# app/views/post_mailer/admin_notice.html.erb %>

<p>A new post has been added! Here's the post:</p>

<p><%= @post.title %></p>
<%= simple_format @post.body %>
<%# app/views/post_mailer/admin_notice.text.erb %>

A new post has been added! Here's the post:

Title: <%= @post.title %>
<%= @post.body %>
# app/controllers/posts_controller.rb

  # POST /posts
  # POST /posts.json
  def create
    @post = Post.new(post_params)

    respond_to do |format|
      if @post.save

        format.html { redirect_to @post, notice: 'Post was successfully created.' }
        format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @post }
        format.html { render :new }
        format.json { render json: @post.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }

# Running:


Finished in 0.975611s, 10.2500 runs/s, 15.3750 assertions/s.

10 runs, 15 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

All the tests should pass, and we now have an application that is integration tested end-to-end with Minitest and Capybara.


Сайт: testlink.org
Язык разработки: PHPРадует: встроенные требования и отслеживание их через кейсы; разнообразные текстовые отчеты; возможность добавить пользовательские поля; гибкая настройка ролей пользователей; интеграция с багтрекерами (JIRA, YouTrack, GitLab, Bugzilla и др.); тестлид может дополнительно установить срочность (urgency) для каждого кейса в тестране, что повлияет на порядок выполнения кейсов; управление списком тестируемых платформ; инвентарный список хостов (мелочь, но приятно); HTML-редактор с возможностью вставлять картинки, ссылки, таблицы, списки; по-моему, самый популярный Open Source инструмент со множеством инструкций и статей по настройке и использованию; наличие ресурса разработки на языке PHP позволяет изменить продукт под свои потребности (если стандартных функций покажется недостаточно или они окажутся не такими удобными).Не радует: интерфейс, требующий небольшого привыкания; придется повозиться с настройкой некоторых компонентов для полноценной работы (точечная настройка конфигурационных файлов, отправка почты, интеграция с багтрекером); в текстовых окнах HTML-редактора не работает стандартная проверка орфографии браузера; нельзя редактировать системные поля и порядок их отображения на форме кейса; ручная смена порядка шагов (приходится вводить цифры, вместо перетаскивания); назначение кейсов для тестрана (билда) после платных инструментов покажется неудобным.

Subject Matter

Subject of these Terms is TestRail Server, any update or upgrade of it or any test version (hereinafter: the Licensed Software). The Licensed Software is test management software that may be used by software teams to manage software testing efforts.

Under these terms Gurock grants to the Customer a perpetual, non-exclusive license to use the Licensed Software, subject to the terms hereinafter set forth (hereinafter: the License). The License remains in force until Customer stops using the Licensed Software or until Gurock terminates the License because of Customer’s failure to comply with these Terms.


7.1 The pre-contractual, contractual and non-contractual liability of Gurock is limited to cases of intent and gross negligence.

7.2 In cases of ordinary negligence Gurock’s liability shall be limited to the breach of contractual obligations which are cardinal obligations. Cardinal obligations are those obligations for which due fulfilment is essential to the proper implementation of the contract as a whole, and the contractual partner may depend upon their fulfilment.

7.3 Furthermore, the amount of damages shall be limited to those losses which are generally foreseeable and typical in connection with providing the Licensed Software at the effective date. The amount of damages to be claimed from Gurock is capped at the amount paid by the Customer for transfer of the Licensed Software.

7.4 The liability for loss of data shall be restricted to typical recovery expenses which would have arisen if regular backup copies had been made by the Customer commensurate with the risks associated with the loss of such data.

7.5 The above limitations of liability shall also apply where Gurock is vicariously responsible for its employees and agents.

7.6 The limitations of liability in this section shall not apply to liability resulting from injury to the life, body or health of a person or under the German Product Liability Law.

7.7 Any claims for damages by the Customer relating to defects in the supplied Licensed Software shall be subject to a limitation period of 12 months. This does not apply to defects which have been intentionally concealed by Gurock.

Listeners and Reporters

implements and interfaces from TestNG,
and is responsible for reporting results to TestRail. internally uses
to report results to TestRail. Test code can also directly use methods in as shown in example above.

Listener Configuration

Following system properties need to be configured during startup to configure/enable TestRail reporter

  • : boolean (true|false) value to enable/disable reporting to TestRail.
  • : Base URL to TestRail.
  • : User to use to authenticate to TestRail instance.
  • : Password to authenticate to TestRail instance.
  • : ID of a pre-created Test Plan in TestRail. This is an integer that you can get via APIs. Via,
    TestRail UI, this is the integer part of an ID that is shown next to a Test Plan. E.g. for id displayed in UI, it will
    be .

Listener Startup

During startup, we try and connect to TestRail and get the Test Plan using the user specified id. If any of this fails,
we disable the , log this condition, but do not fail the test execution.

Also, during startup, we create a cache of all Test Cases and associated s. During this process, we log
all instances when we encounter the same multiple times.

Downtime, Updates and Services Suspensions

6.1 Gurock will make every reasonable effort to provide an uninterrupted operation of the Services on a continuous basis. This is naturally confined to services which Gurock can influence. The Customer recognises that complete, uninterrupted availability of the Services cannot be achieved for technical reasons. Therefore Gurock reserves the right to limit access to the Services in full or partly due to maintenance work, capacity matters or due to other occurrences that are beyond its control.

6.2 Adjustments, changes and updates of the Services may lead to temporary service suspensions. Gurock may at its own discretion upgrade the Software to new versions without prior notification of the Customer. When upgrading or updating the Software Gurock will make sure that the essential functions of the Software do not cease to exist in future versions of the Software.

6.3 The Customer is aware that the Services rely on a working Internet infrastructure. Downtime of the Services can also occur if the website is not available and at any other time with restrictive access to the Internet.

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