Настройка майнинга на nicehash: регистрация, установка, вывод
- Как установить NiceHash Miner
- Как активировать риг
- Examples:
- Troubleshooting
- How to report bugs and issues?
- References
- Examples:
- Troubleshooting
- How to report bugs and issues?
- References
- Benchmark settings (per device)
- Benchmark settings (per device)
- Examples:
- Troubleshooting
- How to report bugs and issues?
- References
- Benchmark settings (per device)
- Examples:
- Troubleshooting
- How to report bugs and issues?
- References
- Benchmark settings (per device)
- Examples:
- Troubleshooting
- How to report bugs and issues?
- References
- Examples:
- Troubleshooting
- How to report bugs and issues?
- References
- Examples:
- Troubleshooting
- How to report bugs and issues?
- References
- Benchmark settings (per device)
- Benchmark settings (per device)
- Examples:
- Troubleshooting
- How to report bugs and issues?
- References
- Benchmark settings (per device)
Как установить NiceHash Miner
Чтобы правильно установить NiceHash Miner Legacy следуйте точной инструкцией:
Отключаем свой антивирус или что у вас там есть, иначе он может заблокировать и не скачать требуемые файлы, в итоге у вас посыплются ошибки, и вы не будите знать, что делать с ними.
- Скачиваем последнюю версию NiceHash Miner Legacy с официального сайта, и не в коем случаем с других сайтов, сервисов. Вы можете занести вирус на свой компьютер, мало того потом вы можете потерять свои накопленные деньги, если они у вас будут.
- Скачиваем от сюда: https://goo.gl/wPV6yN. На момент написания этой статьи новая версия была NiceHash Miner Legacy Pre-release 3
- Распаковываем скачанный архив, заходим в папку и запускаем файл NiceHashMinerLegacy.exe. После запуска ставим ставим галочку и русский язык и нажимаем «ОК».
- Далее читаем и соглашаемся, если вы согласны конечно!
После этого начинается загрузка майнеров, у кого быстро, а у кого можно пойти и перекусить). Ждем полной загрузки и установки.
Как активировать риг
Для настройки Nicehash OS требуется перед запуском добавить BTC-кошелек вашей учетной записи в файл конфигурации системы. Здесь у некоторых пользователей могут возникнуть проблемы.
Образ найсхеш ос разделен на SYSTEM и NHOS, первый содержит системные файлы и для Windows вообще недоступен, а во втором есть текстовый файл конфигурации, который и нужно отредактировать. Если на вашем компьютере установлен Linux, или оригинальный дистрибутив Windows 10, значит, все в порядке.
Открывайте NHOS и в документе configurаtion.txt вписываем ваш биткоин-адрес найса в поле btc. Ничего не удаляйте в первом разделе (rig) и не трогайте запятые и другие символы просто впишите адрес между кавычек и сохраните изменения.
Можете добавить имя фермы в графе worker, но это необязательно. Учтите, что в имени допустимы только английские буквы, цифры и символы дефис и подчеркивание. Значение в поле group помещает ваш риг в определенную группу.
Второй раздел называется access (доступ) он предназначен для настроек SSH удаленного доступа к майнинг-ферме.
В разделе network предназначен для настройки доступа по беспроводной сети к системе nhos. Поддерживаются только протоколы WPA и WPA2. Ручная настройка конфигурации проводной сети и добавление статического IP-адреса не поддерживается.
Если вы точно не знаете, что писать оставьте все поля пустыми. Для запуска системы нужен только BTC-кошелек, впишите его, сохранитесь и закройте configurаtion.txt.
Но если на компьютере установлена компактная сборка Windows 10, в которой многие компоненты отключены или вырезаны, система может не увидеть раздела NHOS. Есть несколько выходов из этой затруднительной ситуации.
- Установите редактор жестких дисков Acronis, и чтобы найти и отредактировать файл конфигурации Nicehash os для майнинга вручную.
- Если вы имеете еще один флеш-накопитель, запишите другую Linux OC. Нужно загрузить ее в режиме Live CD и выполнить настройку Nicehash os в линукс.
Еще один способ — установка линукс на виртуальную машину. Скачайте Oracle VM VirtualBox установите на ней линукс и выполните настройки configurаtion.txt не выходя из Windows.
- Если вы редактировали конфиг на другом ПК, подключите usb-накопитель с образом найсхеш ос к ферме. Если вы правили файл в майнинг-системе просто выполните reboot, и установите в BIOS вашего рига приоритет на загрузку с флешки. Нажмите F10 и затем Save & Exit.
- Вы увидите логотип найса, затем Nicehash os для майнинга начнет загрузку и запросит логин. Не нужно вводить свой логин на сайте найсхеш, система запросит пароль, но ввести его не получится, потому что никакого пароля на вход вообще не предусмотрено.
- В поле login напишите nhos и нажмите Enter, система немного подумает и начнет бенчмарк оборудования. Процесс в среднем длится 30-50 минут потом найсхеш ос перезагрузится, (нужно снова ввести логин) и начнет добычу. Кстати, еще один нюанс, nhos может не работать с usb-клавиатурой. По крайней мере, такой результат был на двух разных материнских платах Asus и Gigabyte.
If your CPU has 8 virtual cores and you would like to mine only with 7:
My NVIDIA video card(s) is/are not detected.
My AMD video card(s) is/are not detected.
I am having issues with my AMD GPU drivers.
I’m getting «Always ask before opening this file» when running NiceHash Miner Legacy
Google Chrome is blocking the download of the application
My anti-virus is blocking the application
I’m getting «Enqueueing kernel» errors on AMD GPUs
My benchmarking results are not accurate
Benchmarks on particular algorithms keep getting terminated on AMD GPUs
How to report bugs and issues?
To report bugs and issues please use the GitHub issue reporting tool: https://github.com/nicehash/NiceHashMinerLegacy/issues. Any bugs and issues reports are very much appreciated since it helps us to improve NiceHash Miner Legacy. Thank you.
- For CPU mining our joblo’s forked cpuminer-opt has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/cpuminer-opt (compiled with MingW64).
- For NVIDIA 2.1, 3.x, 5.x and 6.x cryptonight mining our tsiv’s forked ccminer-cryptonight has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-cryptonight
- For NVIDIA 5.x and 6.x cards, sp’s fork of ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/sp-hash/ccminer.
- For NVIDIA 2.1 and 3.x (older cards), tpruvot’s fork of ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/tpruvot/ccminer.
- Special Decred ccminer forked from tpruvot’s ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-tpruvot.
- Optimized Lyra2REv2 ccminer developed by Nanashi Meiyo-Meijin: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-nanashi.
- For AMD cards, sgminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/sgminer.
- For Ethereum miner, Genoil’s fork of ethminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/cpp-ethereum.
- Optimized SIA ccminer developed by KlausT: https://github.com/KlausT/ccminer.
If your CPU has 8 virtual cores and you would like to mine only with 7:
My NVIDIA video card(s) is/are not detected.
My AMD video card(s) is/are not detected.
I am having issues with my AMD GPU drivers.
I’m getting «Always ask before opening this file» when running NiceHash Miner Legacy
Google Chrome is blocking the download of the application
My anti-virus is blocking the application
I’m getting «Enqueueing kernel» errors on AMD GPUs
My benchmarking results are not accurate
Benchmarks on particular algorithms keep getting terminated on AMD GPUs
How to report bugs and issues?
To report bugs and issues please use the GitHub issue reporting tool: https://github.com/nicehash/NiceHashMinerLegacy/issues. Any bugs and issues reports are very much appreciated since it helps us to improve NiceHash Miner Legacy. Thank you.
- For CPU mining our joblo’s forked cpuminer-opt has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/cpuminer-opt (compiled with MingW64).
- For NVIDIA 2.1, 3.x, 5.x and 6.x cryptonight mining our tsiv’s forked ccminer-cryptonight has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-cryptonight
- For NVIDIA 5.x and 6.x cards, sp’s fork of ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/sp-hash/ccminer.
- For NVIDIA 2.1 and 3.x (older cards), tpruvot’s fork of ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/tpruvot/ccminer.
- Special Decred ccminer forked from tpruvot’s ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-tpruvot.
- Optimized Lyra2REv2 ccminer developed by Nanashi Meiyo-Meijin: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-nanashi.
- For AMD cards, sgminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/sgminer.
- For Ethereum miner, Genoil’s fork of ethminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/cpp-ethereum.
- Optimized SIA ccminer developed by KlausT: https://github.com/KlausT/ccminer.
Benchmark settings (per device)
Parameter | Range | Description |
DeviceUUID | text | Used for unique identification purposes in the config file (DO NOT EDIT) |
DeviceName | text | Used for identification purposes in the config file (DO NOT EDIT) |
AlgorithmSettings | dictionary {key: text, value: Algorithm } | Key value paired dictionary with avaliable device algorithms settings. Keys should not be edited only Algorithm data. |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\NiceHashID | number | Algorithm ID (DO NOT EDIT) |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\MinerName | text | specific miner name setting (DO NOT EDIT) |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\BenchmarkSpeed | number | Fine tune algorithm ratios by manually setting benchmark speeds for each algorithm. |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\ExtraLaunchParameters | text | Additional launch parameters when launching miner and this algorithm. |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\Intensity | number | Set algorithm Intensity setting for this algorithm (Setting works only for supported NVIDIA miners). |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\LessThreads | 0 .. 64 | Reduce number of threads used on CPU by LessThreads (Setting works only on CPU miners). |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\Skip | true or false | Set to true if you would like to skip & disable a particular algorithm. Benchmarking as well as actual mining will be disabled for this particular algorithm. That said, auto-switching will skip this algorithm when mining will be running. |
Benchmark settings (per device)
Parameter | Range | Description |
DeviceUUID | text | Used for unique identification purposes in the config file (DO NOT EDIT) |
DeviceName | text | Used for identification purposes in the config file (DO NOT EDIT) |
AlgorithmSettings | dictionary {key: text, value: Algorithm } | Key value paired dictionary with avaliable device algorithms settings. Keys should not be edited only Algorithm data. |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\NiceHashID | number | Algorithm ID (DO NOT EDIT) |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\MinerName | text | specific miner name setting (DO NOT EDIT) |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\BenchmarkSpeed | number | Fine tune algorithm ratios by manually setting benchmark speeds for each algorithm. |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\ExtraLaunchParameters | text | Additional launch parameters when launching miner and this algorithm. |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\Intensity | number | Set algorithm Intensity setting for this algorithm (Setting works only for supported NVIDIA miners). |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\LessThreads | 0 .. 64 | Reduce number of threads used on CPU by LessThreads (Setting works only on CPU miners). |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\Skip | true or false | Set to true if you would like to skip & disable a particular algorithm. Benchmarking as well as actual mining will be disabled for this particular algorithm. That said, auto-switching will skip this algorithm when mining will be running. |
If your CPU has 8 virtual cores and you would like to mine only with 7:
My NVIDIA video card(s) is/are not detected.
My AMD video card(s) is/are not detected.
I am having issues with my AMD GPU drivers.
I’m getting «Always ask before opening this file» when running NiceHash Miner Legacy
My anti-virus is blocking the application
I’m getting «Enqueueing kernel» errors on AMD GPUs
My benchmarking results are not accurate
Benchmarks on particular algorithms keep getting terminated on AMD GPUs
How to report bugs and issues?
To report bugs and issues please use the GitHub issue reporting tool: https://github.com/nicehash/NiceHashMinerLegacy/issues. Any bugs and issues reports are very much appreciated since it helps us to improve NiceHash Miner Legacy. Thank you.
- For CPU mining our joblo’s forked cpuminer-opt has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/cpuminer-opt (compiled with MingW64).
- For NVIDIA 2.1, 3.x, 5.x and 6.x cryptonight mining our tsiv’s forked ccminer-cryptonight has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-cryptonight
- For NVIDIA 5.x and 6.x cards, sp’s fork of ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/sp-hash/ccminer.
- For NVIDIA 2.1 and 3.x (older cards), tpruvot’s fork of ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/tpruvot/ccminer.
- Special Decred ccminer forked from tpruvot’s ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-tpruvot.
- Optimized Lyra2REv2 ccminer developed by Nanashi Meiyo-Meijin: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-nanashi.
- For AMD cards, sgminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/sgminer.
- For Ethereum miner, Genoil’s fork of ethminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/cpp-ethereum.
- Optimized SIA ccminer developed by KlausT: https://github.com/KlausT/ccminer.
Benchmark settings (per device)
Parameter | Range | Description |
DeviceUUID | text | Used for unique identification purposes in the config file (DO NOT EDIT) |
DeviceName | text | Used for identification purposes in the config file (DO NOT EDIT) |
AlgorithmSettings | dictionary {key: text, value: Algorithm } | Key value paired dictionary with avaliable device algorithms settings. Keys should not be edited only Algorithm data. |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\NiceHashID | number | Algorithm ID (DO NOT EDIT) |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\MinerName | text | specific miner name setting (DO NOT EDIT) |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\BenchmarkSpeed | number | Fine tune algorithm ratios by manually setting benchmark speeds for each algorithm. |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\ExtraLaunchParameters | text | Additional launch parameters when launching miner and this algorithm. |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\Intensity | number | Set algorithm Intensity setting for this algorithm (Setting works only for supported NVIDIA miners). |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\LessThreads | 0 .. 64 | Reduce number of threads used on CPU by LessThreads (Setting works only on CPU miners). |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\Skip | true or false | Set to true if you would like to skip & disable a particular algorithm. Benchmarking as well as actual mining will be disabled for this particular algorithm. That said, auto-switching will skip this algorithm when mining will be running. |
If your CPU has 8 virtual cores and you would like to mine only with 7:
My NVIDIA video card(s) is/are not detected.
My AMD video card(s) is/are not detected.
I am having issues with my AMD GPU drivers.
I’m getting «Always ask before opening this file» when running NiceHash Miner Legacy
Google Chrome is blocking the download of the application
My anti-virus is blocking the application
I’m getting «Enqueueing kernel» errors on AMD GPUs
My benchmarking results are not accurate
Benchmarks on particular algorithms keep getting terminated on AMD GPUs
How to report bugs and issues?
To report bugs and issues please use the GitHub issue reporting tool: https://github.com/nicehash/NiceHashMinerLegacy/issues. Any bugs and issues reports are very much appreciated since it helps us to improve NiceHash Miner Legacy. Thank you.
- For CPU mining our joblo’s forked cpuminer-opt has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/cpuminer-opt (compiled with MingW64).
- For NVIDIA 2.1, 3.x, 5.x and 6.x cryptonight mining our tsiv’s forked ccminer-cryptonight has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-cryptonight
- For NVIDIA 5.x and 6.x cards, sp’s fork of ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/sp-hash/ccminer.
- For NVIDIA 2.1 and 3.x (older cards), tpruvot’s fork of ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/tpruvot/ccminer.
- Special Decred ccminer forked from tpruvot’s ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-tpruvot.
- Optimized Lyra2REv2 ccminer developed by Nanashi Meiyo-Meijin: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-nanashi.
- For AMD cards, sgminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/sgminer.
- For Ethereum miner, Genoil’s fork of ethminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/cpp-ethereum.
- Optimized SIA ccminer developed by KlausT: https://github.com/KlausT/ccminer.
Benchmark settings (per device)
Parameter | Range | Description |
DeviceUUID | text | Used for unique identification purposes in the config file (DO NOT EDIT) |
DeviceName | text | Used for identification purposes in the config file (DO NOT EDIT) |
AlgorithmSettings | dictionary {key: text, value: Algorithm } | Key value paired dictionary with avaliable device algorithms settings. Keys should not be edited only Algorithm data. |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\NiceHashID | number | Algorithm ID (DO NOT EDIT) |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\MinerName | text | specific miner name setting (DO NOT EDIT) |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\BenchmarkSpeed | number | Fine tune algorithm ratios by manually setting benchmark speeds for each algorithm. |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\ExtraLaunchParameters | text | Additional launch parameters when launching miner and this algorithm. |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\Intensity | number | Set algorithm Intensity setting for this algorithm (Setting works only for supported NVIDIA miners). |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\LessThreads | 0 .. 64 | Reduce number of threads used on CPU by LessThreads (Setting works only on CPU miners). |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\Skip | true or false | Set to true if you would like to skip & disable a particular algorithm. Benchmarking as well as actual mining will be disabled for this particular algorithm. That said, auto-switching will skip this algorithm when mining will be running. |
If your CPU has 8 virtual cores and you would like to mine only with 7:
My NVIDIA video card(s) is/are not detected.
My AMD video card(s) is/are not detected.
I am having issues with my AMD GPU drivers.
I’m getting «Always ask before opening this file» when running NiceHash Miner Legacy
Google Chrome is blocking the download of the application
My anti-virus is blocking the application
I’m getting «Enqueueing kernel» errors on AMD GPUs
My benchmarking results are not accurate
Benchmarks on particular algorithms keep getting terminated on AMD GPUs
How to report bugs and issues?
To report bugs and issues please use the GitHub issue reporting tool: https://github.com/nicehash/NiceHashMinerLegacy/issues. Any bugs and issues reports are very much appreciated since it helps us to improve NiceHash Miner Legacy. Thank you.
- For CPU mining our joblo’s forked cpuminer-opt has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/cpuminer-opt (compiled with MingW64).
- For NVIDIA 2.1, 3.x, 5.x and 6.x cryptonight mining our tsiv’s forked ccminer-cryptonight has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-cryptonight
- For NVIDIA 5.x and 6.x cards, sp’s fork of ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/sp-hash/ccminer.
- For NVIDIA 2.1 and 3.x (older cards), tpruvot’s fork of ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/tpruvot/ccminer.
- Special Decred ccminer forked from tpruvot’s ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-tpruvot.
- Optimized Lyra2REv2 ccminer developed by Nanashi Meiyo-Meijin: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-nanashi.
- For AMD cards, sgminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/sgminer.
- For Ethereum miner, Genoil’s fork of ethminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/cpp-ethereum.
- Optimized SIA ccminer developed by KlausT: https://github.com/KlausT/ccminer.
If your CPU has 8 virtual cores and you would like to mine only with 7:
My NVIDIA video card(s) is/are not detected.
My AMD video card(s) is/are not detected.
I am having issues with my AMD GPU drivers.
I’m getting «Always ask before opening this file» when running NiceHash Miner Legacy
Google Chrome is blocking the download of the application
My anti-virus is blocking the application
I’m getting «Enqueueing kernel» errors on AMD GPUs
My benchmarking results are not accurate
Benchmarks on particular algorithms keep getting terminated on AMD GPUs
How to report bugs and issues?
To report bugs and issues please use the GitHub issue reporting tool: https://github.com/nicehash/NiceHashMinerLegacy/issues. Any bugs and issues reports are very much appreciated since it helps us to improve NiceHash Miner Legacy. Thank you.
- For CPU mining our joblo’s forked cpuminer-opt has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/cpuminer-opt (compiled with MingW64).
- For NVIDIA 2.1, 3.x, 5.x and 6.x cryptonight mining our tsiv’s forked ccminer-cryptonight has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-cryptonight
- For NVIDIA 5.x and 6.x cards, sp’s fork of ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/sp-hash/ccminer.
- For NVIDIA 2.1 and 3.x (older cards), tpruvot’s fork of ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/tpruvot/ccminer.
- Special Decred ccminer forked from tpruvot’s ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-tpruvot.
- Optimized Lyra2REv2 ccminer developed by Nanashi Meiyo-Meijin: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-nanashi.
- For AMD cards, sgminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/sgminer.
- For Ethereum miner, Genoil’s fork of ethminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/cpp-ethereum.
- Optimized SIA ccminer developed by KlausT: https://github.com/KlausT/ccminer.
If your CPU has 8 virtual cores and you would like to mine only with 7:
My NVIDIA video card(s) is/are not detected.
My AMD video card(s) is/are not detected.
I am having issues with my AMD GPU drivers.
I’m getting «Always ask before opening this file» when running NiceHash Miner Legacy
Google Chrome is blocking the download of the application
My anti-virus is blocking the application
I’m getting «Enqueueing kernel» errors on AMD GPUs
My benchmarking results are not accurate
Benchmarks on particular algorithms keep getting terminated on AMD GPUs
How to report bugs and issues?
To report bugs and issues please use the GitHub issue reporting tool: https://github.com/nicehash/NiceHashMinerLegacy/issues. Any bugs and issues reports are very much appreciated since it helps us to improve NiceHash Miner Legacy. Thank you.
- For CPU mining our joblo’s forked cpuminer-opt has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/cpuminer-opt (compiled with MingW64).
- For NVIDIA 2.1, 3.x, 5.x and 6.x cryptonight mining our tsiv’s forked ccminer-cryptonight has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-cryptonight
- For NVIDIA 5.x and 6.x cards, sp’s fork of ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/sp-hash/ccminer.
- For NVIDIA 2.1 and 3.x (older cards), tpruvot’s fork of ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/tpruvot/ccminer.
- Special Decred ccminer forked from tpruvot’s ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-tpruvot.
- Optimized Lyra2REv2 ccminer developed by Nanashi Meiyo-Meijin: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-nanashi.
- For AMD cards, sgminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/sgminer.
- For Ethereum miner, Genoil’s fork of ethminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/cpp-ethereum.
- Optimized SIA ccminer developed by KlausT: https://github.com/KlausT/ccminer.
Benchmark settings (per device)
Parameter | Range | Description |
DeviceUUID | text | Used for unique identification purposes in the config file (DO NOT EDIT) |
DeviceName | text | Used for identification purposes in the config file (DO NOT EDIT) |
Enabled | true or false | When set to false, device won’t mine. |
MinimumProfit | number | Minimum profit for device to mine. |
TDPSettings | settings for tdp | Set tdp settings for specific device. |
PluginAlgorithmSettings\Name | text | Name of a plugin (DO NOT EDIT) |
PluginAlgorithmSettings\PluginUUID | text | UUID of a plugin (DO NOT EDIT) |
PluginAlgorithmSettings\PluginVersion | number | Version of a plugin (DO NOT EDIT) |
PluginAlgorithmSettings\AlgorithmIDs | text | Ids of plugin algorithm (DO NOT EDIT) |
PluginAlgorithmSettings\Speeds | array | Fine tune algorithm ratios by manually setting benchmark speeds for each algorithmID. |
PluginAlgorithmSettings\ExtraLaunchParameters | text | Additional launch parameters when launching miner and this algorithm. |
PluginAlgorithmSettings\Enabled | true or false | Set to false if you would like to skip & disable a particular algorithm. Benchmarking as well as actual mining will be disabled for this particular algorithm. That said, auto-switching will skip this algorithm when mining will be running. |
PluginAlgorithmSettings\PowerUsage | number | Power usage recorded during benchmarking of this algorithm. |
Benchmark settings (per device)
Parameter | Range | Description |
DeviceUUID | text | Used for unique identification purposes in the config file (DO NOT EDIT) |
DeviceName | text | Used for identification purposes in the config file (DO NOT EDIT) |
AlgorithmSettings | dictionary {key: text, value: Algorithm } | Key value paired dictionary with avaliable device algorithms settings. Keys should not be edited only Algorithm data. |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\NiceHashID | number | Algorithm ID (DO NOT EDIT) |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\MinerName | text | specific miner name setting (DO NOT EDIT) |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\BenchmarkSpeed | number | Fine tune algorithm ratios by manually setting benchmark speeds for each algorithm. |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\ExtraLaunchParameters | text | Additional launch parameters when launching miner and this algorithm. |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\Intensity | number | Set algorithm Intensity setting for this algorithm (Setting works only for supported NVIDIA miners). |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\LessThreads | 0 .. 64 | Reduce number of threads used on CPU by LessThreads (Setting works only on CPU miners). |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\Skip | true or false | Set to true if you would like to skip & disable a particular algorithm. Benchmarking as well as actual mining will be disabled for this particular algorithm. That said, auto-switching will skip this algorithm when mining will be running. |
If your CPU has 8 virtual cores and you would like to mine only with 7:
My NVIDIA video card(s) is/are not detected.
My AMD video card(s) is/are not detected.
I am having issues with my AMD GPU drivers.
I’m getting «Always ask before opening this file» when running NiceHash Miner Legacy
Google Chrome is blocking the download of the application
My anti-virus is blocking the application
I’m getting «Enqueueing kernel» errors on AMD GPUs
My benchmarking results are not accurate
Benchmarks on particular algorithms keep getting terminated on AMD GPUs
How to report bugs and issues?
To report bugs and issues please use the GitHub issue reporting tool: https://github.com/nicehash/NiceHashMinerLegacy/issues. Any bugs and issues reports are very much appreciated since it helps us to improve NiceHash Miner Legacy. Thank you.
- For CPU mining our joblo’s forked cpuminer-opt has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/cpuminer-opt (compiled with MingW64).
- For NVIDIA 2.1, 3.x, 5.x and 6.x cryptonight mining our tsiv’s forked ccminer-cryptonight has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-cryptonight
- For NVIDIA 5.x and 6.x cards, sp’s fork of ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/sp-hash/ccminer.
- For NVIDIA 2.1 and 3.x (older cards), tpruvot’s fork of ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/tpruvot/ccminer.
- Special Decred ccminer forked from tpruvot’s ccminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-tpruvot.
- Optimized Lyra2REv2 ccminer developed by Nanashi Meiyo-Meijin: https://github.com/nicehash/ccminer-nanashi.
- For AMD cards, sgminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/sgminer.
- For Ethereum miner, Genoil’s fork of ethminer has been used from here: https://github.com/nicehash/cpp-ethereum.
- Optimized SIA ccminer developed by KlausT: https://github.com/KlausT/ccminer.
Benchmark settings (per device)
Parameter | Range | Description |
DeviceUUID | text | Used for unique identification purposes in the config file (DO NOT EDIT) |
DeviceName | text | Used for identification purposes in the config file (DO NOT EDIT) |
AlgorithmSettings | dictionary {key: text, value: Algorithm } | Key value paired dictionary with avaliable device algorithms settings. Keys should not be edited only Algorithm data. |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\NiceHashID | number | Algorithm ID (DO NOT EDIT) |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\MinerName | text | specific miner name setting (DO NOT EDIT) |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\BenchmarkSpeed | number | Fine tune algorithm ratios by manually setting benchmark speeds for each algorithm. |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\ExtraLaunchParameters | text | Additional launch parameters when launching miner and this algorithm. |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\Intensity | number | Set algorithm Intensity setting for this algorithm (Setting works only for supported NVIDIA miners). |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\LessThreads | 0 .. 64 | Reduce number of threads used on CPU by LessThreads (Setting works only on CPU miners). |
AlgorithmSettings\Algorithm\Skip | true or false | Set to true if you would like to skip & disable a particular algorithm. Benchmarking as well as actual mining will be disabled for this particular algorithm. That said, auto-switching will skip this algorithm when mining will be running. |