Introducing mattermost chatops: open source, real-time devops


For the usage of all the commands, use the flag or check the tool’s documentation.

Mattermost offers workplace messaging across web, PC and phones with archiving, search and integration with your existing systems. Documentation available at


Available Commands:
  auth        Manages the credentials of the remote Mattermost instances
  channel     Management of channels
  completion  Generates autocompletion scripts for bash and zsh
  group       Management of groups
  help        Help about any command
  license     Licensing commands
  logs        Display logs in a human-readable format
  permissions Management of permissions and roles
  plugin      Management of plugins
  post        Management of posts
  team        Management of teams
  user        Management of users
  websocket   Display websocket in a human-readable format

  -h, --help   help for mmctl

Use "mmctl  --help" for more information about a command.

First we have to log into a mattermost instance:

$ mmctl auth login --name my-instance --username john.doe --password mysupersecret

  credentials for my-instance: john.doe@ stored

We can check the currently stored credentials with:

$ mmctl auth list

    | Active |        Name | Username |                     InstanceUrl |
    |      * | my-instance | john.doe | |

And now we can run commands normally:

$ mmctl user search john.doe
id: qykfw3t933y38k57ubct77iu9c
username: john.doe
first_name: John
last_name: Doe

NOTE: is designed to run against a specific version of the and its API. If run against a server with a different version, will show a warning and will try to execute the commands. To ensure that the commands won’t run if the server version is not supported, please use the flag or set the environment variable.

Thank You to Our Contributors

Many thanks to all of our other contributors to this release:


asaadmahmood, coreyhulen, cpanato, crspeller, dmeza, doh5, enahum, grundleborg, harshavardhana, hmhealey, jasonblais, jwilander, kulak-at, saturninoabril, tjuerge


cpanato, crspeller, esethna, hmhealey, it33, jasonblais, JeffSchering, jwilander, kjkeane, lindy65, MikeDaniel18


94117nl, cpanato, hmhealey, jwilander, senk


94117nl, cpanato, enahum, jarredwitt, jwilander


asaadmahmood, cpanato, csduarte, enahum, hmhealey, lfbrock, rthill




carlosasj, FingerLiu, mkdbns, pichouk, xcompass


coreyhulen, der-test, lfbrock


doh5, lindalumitchell




coreyhulen, PrestonL



Проксирование чата mattermost через nginx

Вы можете напрямую разместить сервер mattermost в интернете, указать ему использовать 80-й порт вместо 8065 и ничего не делать. Это будет простой, но плохой вариант. Сами разработчики не рекомендуют так делать, а предлагают настроить в качестве frontend веб сервер nginx. Сделаем это и мы. В итоге у нас получится аккуратный поддомен, который будет работать по https. В таком виде сервер не стыдно и интернету показать.

Так как работать дальше будем с nginx, httpd нужно будет отключить. Он нам нужен был только для быстрой настройки phpmyadmin. Больше нам настраивать нечего, так что отключаем его.

# systemctl stop httpd
# systemctl disable httpd

Вместо него установим nginx. По большому счету, это можно было сделать сразу, но я поленился, так как phpmyadmin под апачем настроить проще и быстрее. Добавляем репозиторий nginx.

# mcedit /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo
name=nginx repo

Устанавливаем nginx.

# yum install nginx.x86_64

Запускаем и добавляем в автозагрузку.

# systemctl start nginx
# systemctl enable nginx

Убеждаемся, что он работает, перейдя по ip адресу сервера в браузере. Рисуем файл конфигурации для проксирования mattermost.

# mcedit /etc/nginx/conf.d/mattermost.conf
upstream backend {

proxy_cache_path /var/cache/nginx levels=1:2 keys_zone=mattermost_cache:10m max_size=3g inactive=120m use_temp_path=off;

server {
 listen 80 default_server;
 return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;

server {
 listen 443 ssl http2;
 ssl on;
 ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
 ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
 ssl_session_timeout 5m;
 ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
 ssl_dhparam /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem;
 ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
 ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;

 location /api/v3/users/websocket {
 proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
 proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
 client_max_body_size 50M;
 proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
 proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
 proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
 proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
 proxy_set_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
 proxy_buffers 256 16k;
 proxy_buffer_size 16k;
 proxy_read_timeout 600s;
 proxy_pass http://backend;

 location / {
 client_max_body_size 50M;
 proxy_set_header Connection "";
 proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
 proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
 proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
 proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
 proxy_set_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
 proxy_buffers 256 16k;
 proxy_buffer_size 16k;
 proxy_read_timeout 600s;
 proxy_cache mattermost_cache;
 proxy_cache_revalidate on;
 proxy_cache_min_uses 2;
 proxy_cache_use_stale timeout;
 proxy_cache_lock on;
 proxy_pass http://backend;

Сохраняем конфигурацию в файле. В данном случае я использую бесплатный сертификат от популярного сервиса Let’s encrypt. Я не буду сейчас рассказывать, как получить от них сертификат. В интернете очень много статей на эту тему. Можете воспользоваться, к примеру, вот этим руководством моего знакомого —

Удалим стандартную конфигурацию nginx. Вместо нее будет использоваться наша.

# rm /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

Проверяем конфигурацию nginx и перезапускаем его.

# nginx -t
# systemctl restart nginx

На этом все, установка и настройка бесплатного мессенджера mattermost завершена. Получилось вполне функциональное и законченное решение.

Thank you to our contributors

Thanks for all community contributions this month and in particular our v5.26 Most Valued Professional (MVP), Abdu Assabri, who has made 16 lifetime contributions to the Mattermost project. Thank you for your continued contributions, Abdu!

abdulsmapara, abdusabri, Adovenmuehle, aeomin, agarciamontoro, agnivade, aidapira, amyblais, amynicol1985, angeloskyratzakos, ankallio, asaadmahmood, ashishbhate, AugustasV, avasconcelos114, BaaaZen, bbodenmiller, bill2004158, bradjcoughlin, calebroseland, catalintomai, chakatz, chikei, cpanato, cpoile, crspeller, ctlaltdieliet, danielhelfand, DanielSz50, dantepippi, Dartui, dbejanishvili, deanwhillier, denniskamp, der-test, devinbinnie, djanda97, dpanic, emilyhollinger, enahum, enelson720, ericjaystevens, esadur, esethna, ethervoid, faase, fakela, flexo3001, flynbit, fmunshi, Francois-D, gabrieljackson, ghasrfakhri, gigawhitlocks, grubbins, gruceqq, hahmadia, hannaparks, hanzei, hectorskypl, hhhhugi, hmhealey, hryuk, ialorro, icelander, iomodo, isacikgoz, it33, jakubnovak998, jasonblais, javimox, jaydeland, jespino, jfrerich, johnsonbrothers, josephbaylon, joshuabezaleel, jseiser, JtheBAB, Jukie, jupenur, justinegeffen, jwilander, kaakaa, kayazeren, kayron8, khos2ow, kirkjaa, larkox, levb, lfbrock, lieut-data, lindalumitchell, lindy65, liusy182, Lyimmi, lynn915, M-ZubairAhmed, meilon, metanerd, mgdelacroix, michaelschiffmm, mickmister, migbot, mlongo4290, mustafayildirim, natalie-hub, nathanaelhoun, nevyangelova, nickmisasi, nicolailang, nikolaizah, ofpiyush, openmohan, phommasy, prapti, qerosi, rahulchheda, rbradleyhaas, reflog, rmatev, rodcorsi, ruzaq, rvillablanca, saturninoabril, sbishel, scottjr632, ShehryarShoukat96, shred86, skaramanlis, sowmiyamuthuraman, sridhar02, srkgupta, streamer45, stylianosrigas, sudheerDev, svelle, Szymongib, TheoVitkovskiy, thePanz, TQuock, TRUNGTar, uhlhosting, utkuufuk, Vars-07, Venhaus, vijaynag-bs, webchick, weblate, wget, wiersgallak, wiggin77, Willyfrog, Yohannesseifu, YushiOMOTE

Other considerations

There are a couple of other things to consider when planning your Mattermost deployment.

1. Network access

Mattermost is intended to sit within a private network. If outside access is required, then a VPN (virtual private network) is recommended. If you intend to leave Mattermost accessible to the open internet, see the .

2. Push notifications to the mobile apps

In order to push to mobile apps, a post notification service (or proxy server) is required, which will relay messages through to Apple and Google’s services. You can set one up yourself or use the one hosted by Mattermost.


If you host your own push notification server, you will need to compile the iOS and Android apps yourself because the push service needs knowledge of the secret compiled into the app. The self-compile process is documented here.

Premier Support key benefits & details

  • Mission Critical Response L1 – 60 minutes, L2 – 120 minutes – Critical and major issues impacting production environments receive top priority from the Mattermost support team.
  • Weekend coverage – Premier Support customers receive weekend support for L1 and L2 escalations.
  • Direct access to senior support team – Premier Support tickets are responded to by senior support engineers with advanced technical and soft skills to help customers with complex environments and mission critical needs.
  • Development team priority – Priority is given to issues from Premier Support customers escalated to the development organization for assistance or fixes.
  • Screen-sharing, collaboration phone calls, and health checks – Premier Support customers can reduce time to resolution by working with the Mattermost support team over phone or audio conference and screen-sharing sessions to isolate, identify and troubleshoot critical issues.
  • Installation and deployment advisory – We’ll support your team in properly installing and piloting your deployment.
  • Account on-boarding – Our team works with you during a series of on-boarding discussions to ensure we have your detailed environment information available about your deployment before your first ticket is filed, reducing overall resolution times, questions, and delays for each follow-on issue.
  • Potential to influence product roadmap and prioritization decisions – With privileged access to senior support staff and members of the Mattermost product team, the Mattermost product roadmap is often influenced by Premier Support customers.
  • Licensing – Premier Support includes licensing for up to 4 standalone non-production environments.

Thank You to Our Contributors

amyblais, AndersonWebStudio, andruwa13, asaadmahmood, bbodenmiller, Brunzer, ccbrown, chclaus, cherniavskii, CometKim, coreyhulen, cpanato, crspeller, csduarte, cvitter, darkman, der-test, dlahn, enahum, esethna, fermulator, gig177, grundleborg, Hanzei, hmhealey, it33, james-mm, jarredwitt, jasonblais, jespino, jwilander, kaakaa, kemenaran, knechtionscoding, laginha87, lasley, letsila, lfbrock, lieut-data, lindalumitchell, lindy65, liusy182, Matterchen, mkraft, MusikPolice, phuihock, pichouk, Rohlik, R-Wang97, santos22, saturninoabril, stephenkiers, sudheerDev, tayre, tejasbubane, tkbky, Tristramg, ulm0, watadarkstar, xuxip, yeoji, yuya-oc

Login methods


$ mmctl auth login --name community --username my-username --password mysupersecret

The command can also work interactively, so if you leave any needed flag empty, will ask you for it interactively:

$ mmctl auth login
Connection name: community
Username: my-username


If you want to login with MFA, you just need to use the flag:

$ mmctl auth login --name community --username my-username --password mysupersecret --mfa-token 123456

Access tokens

Instead of using username and password to log in, you can generate and use a personal access token to authenticate with a server:

$ mmctl auth login --name community --access-token MY_ACCESS_TOKEN

Russian Language Translation

Russian is our 11th language for Mattermost, expanding our software to another 150-250 million speakers.

This is one of the final major languages to arrive in Mattermost and we’re excited to be completing the set. Workplace messaging with Mattermost is available in English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Dutch, Portuguese and now Russian.

Thanks to the dozens of contributors who helped make the Russian release possible:

AlexanderK, alex_laskin, apskim, ArchRoller, Arthemy, avp, Bender_ASS, BerkutEagle, bernex, ch1ffa, CHERTS, cypa, daemon, EugeneT, felicson, ForestLynx, iamhere2, im, inovikov, Kamarado, kogan, mizghan, morozvv1986, ocean1, Olax, osipovnv, painhardcore, realrainer, samogot, Saturn, scherbakovds, Sergeyk, shadowmaster63, Shodan, slashme, Skey, Supme, wsWLeVTlq, xsander, yakovenkov, yk00

More than a dozen other language translations are currently in progress, including Polish, Italian, Norwegian, Indonesian and Breton. If you’d like to help, or volunteer to translate a new language, please join the Mattermost localization channel to meet the community and get started.

A special thanks also to our localization leads, in no particular order: William Gathoye (French), Christian Arnold (German), Rodrigo Corsi (Portuguese), Elias Nahum (Spanish), Midgard (Dutch), Ron Hartman (Dutch), Wai Yi Leung (Dutch), aeomin (Simplified Chinese), Tze-Kei Lee (Traditional Chinese), Ryo Onodera (Japan), Yusuke Nemoto (Japan), Hyeseong Kim (Korean) and Jinseoung Lee (Korean)

Premier Support eligibility

The following requirements are necessary to receive Premier Support:

  1. Named contacts – Premier Support requests must be filed by one of three named contacts in your organization. Named contacts must have an email address with your company domain and must be individuals, and cannot use shared or group email addresses sent or received by more than one physical person.
  2. Current Premier Support subscription – Customers must have a valid Premier Support subscription through the support process.
  3. Provide information and logs in a timely manner – To quickly deliver root cause analysis and overall resolution the Mattermost support team requires information and logs requests from the customer delivered in a timely, consistent and well-structured manner. Information may include, but would not be limited to files, logs, dumps, and redacted configuration and database information.

Обновление mattermost

С момента написания статьи прошло некоторое время, и вышла новая 4-я версия сервера. Я расскажу, как обновить сервер 3-й версии до последней на текущий момент версии mattermost 4.5.0. При обновлении любого продукта необходимо делать резервные копии. Сделаем и мы, отдельно директорию с самим сервером и базу данных.

Останавливаем сервер.

# systemctl stop mattermost

Копируем директорию с файлами.

# cp -R /opt/mattermost /backup

Бэкапим mysql базу.

# /usr/bin/mysqldump --opt -v --databases mattermost -umattermost -ppassword | /usr/bin/gzip -c > /backup/mattermost.sql.gz

Теперь можно смело обновляться. Если что-то пойдет не так, можем быстро откатиться на старую версию. Скачиваем и распаковываем свежую версию сервера.

# cd ~
# wget
# tar xzvf mattermost-4.5.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz

Удаляем старую папку с сервером и копируем на ее место новую.

# rm -Rf /opt/mattermost
# cp -R ~/mattermost /opt

Копируем из бэкапа конфиг, загруженные файлы и логи.

cp -r /backup/mattermost/config /opt/mattermost
cp -r /backup/mattermost/data /opt/mattermost
cp -r /backup/mattermost/logs /opt/mattermost

Делаем владельцем директории с новой версией системного пользователя mattermost.

# chown -R mattermost:mattermost /opt/mattermost

Запускаем сервер и проверяем работу.

# systemctl start mattermost

С обновлением mattermost все. Можно заходить и проверять изменения. Не забудьте обновить версию клиента. Хотя старая все равно будет работать, но в новой будет расширен функционал и исправлены баги.


Run Jenkins commands from within your chat window

  • Connect and disconnect with Jenkins server
  • Use the /jenkins slash command to create, abort, or trigger a build, enable, disable, or delete a job, or get artifacts, test results, or build logs

DevOps is as much about collaboration and process as tooling and automation. Dev teams also need a better way to collaborate effectively across the DevOps lifecycle—and that way is open source ChatOps. More than just inserting chat into all of your workflows, ChatOps done right brings conversations, tools, files, and automation into a single space.

Mattermost ChatOps allows you to surface relevant information to your team and enables you to take action directly where you’re having conversations. When an issue comes in, a ChatOps workflow can alert relevant team members, who all work together to make a fix directly within Mattermost. 

Mattermost is committed to enabling developers improve communication and efficiency through open source software. With the release of Mattermost ChatOps, we hope to provide developers with better tools for managing their real-time DevOps workflows.

Ready to get started with ChatOps? Read our guide: 7 Steps to ChatOps for Enterprise Teams.

New End-User Features

Upgraded Desktop Apps

Spell Checker

We’ve added an inline spell checker for English, French, German, Spanish, and Dutch on all desktop platforms. This is a feature many users have asked for and we’ll add other languages in due course (perhaps you’d like to help).

Give it a try and let us know what you think!

Sound Notifications

You can now hear a ping when you receive a notification in Windows 7 & 8. To find out more about this and other fixes and upgrades, visit the .

Special thanks to Yuya Ochiai and Jonas Schwabe for their continued efforts on the Desktop App!

Mattermost in Polish

Pozdrowienia! A big hello to all our Polish-speaking users. Yes, we have added another important language to Mattermost – because we believe in making the best messaging platform available in people’s own native tongue. Workplace messaging with Mattermost is available in English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian and now Polish.

Thanks to the dozens of contributors who helped make the Polish release possible, in particular robert843, PawelRojek and jakub.dykowski.

More than a dozen other language translations are currently in progress, including Italian, Norwegian, Indonesian and Breton. If you’d like to help, or volunteer to translate a new language, please join the Mattermost localization channel to meet the community and get started.

A special thanks also to our localization leads, in no particular order: aeomin (Simplified Chinese), Archie Roller (Russian), Carlos Panato (Portuguese), Christian Arnold (German), Elias Nahum (Spanish), Hyeseong Kim (Korean), Jakub Dykowski (Poland), Pawel Rojek (Poland), Robert (Poland), Rodrigo Corsi (Portuguese), Ryo Onodera (Japan), Tim Estermann (German), Tze-Kei Lee (Traditional Chinese), William Gathoye (French), Yusuke Nemoto (Japan)

Example hardware scenario: Teams larger than 2,000

For most small to medium teams, such as those in the scenarios above, a single-server install is sufficient.

For large teams, explore the option of Enterprise Edition , where additional system requirements are recommended.

Larger setups have other considerations, such as switching out the software proxy server for a hardware proxy which would also serve as a load balancer.

To give you an idea of how well Mattermost can scale, it has been load tested with 60,000 concurrent users with:

  • Six Mattermost servers: m4.2xlarge (8 vCPU, 32 GB RAM)
  • One MySQL database server with five read replicas: db.r4.2xlarge (8 vCPU, 61 GB RAM)
  • Three load test runners (for running the load test)
  • Three NGINX proxies

Any deployments for teams larger than 2,000 should be load tested, which can be completed with the open source framework from Mattermost.

Windows, Linux and Mac desktop applications

After discussion with the leading community projects developing desktop applications for Mattermost, electron-mattermost by Yuya Ochiai was selected as the new official version.

Users can download an use binaries for running native desktop applications on Windows (32-bit and 64-bit), Linux (32-bit and 64-bit) and Mac. The applications will continue to be improved under a beta tag and switch to final release versions after they’re integrated with the Mattermost build system with code signing.

Huge thanks to Yuya Ochiai for being the maintainer of the official desktop applications, and huge thanks also to all the other community members who have been worked on other desktop projects. We hope you’ll consider bringing your creativity and talent to the new official Mattermost desktop and help us realize its full potential.

New Mattermost desktop applications for Windows running with transparency effects from Windows Aero theme.

Coming Soon! Mattermost 4.0

The next Mattermost server release, Mattermost 4.0, will be available on July 16 with:

  • Updated UI and new default theme – a new look and feel that will make Mattermost easier to use and navigate
  • Emoji picker available to all users in stable form (previously beta only)
  • APIv4 stable release. We announced this in our May newsletter as a release candidate. It makes the Mattermost API web service easier to use and offers more powerful options for integrations
  • An easy-to-deploy E20 Enterprise Edition platform for clustering environments with increased performance

Plus other features – so be sure to watch out for our July 16 newsletter!


The system you end up using will depend on your goals. If you’re not very technical, your best choice is Sameroom. If you’ve got an existing IRC server you’d like to integrate with Mattermost, then you should go with Matterbridge. And if you have a system that communicates via IRC but you don’t have a server, you should choose MatterIRCD.

Also, these examples don’t cover TLS integration, which is supported by all three systems. If you’re going to be sending data over the Internet, you will want to ensure that your systems are all using encryption when transmitting data.

Sameroom has different security concerns. According to their security page they pass messages in real time and do not store them, and they encrypt the login credentials they store with a unique key that is rotated daily. This is a good level of security, but remember that you are trusting that they’ve implemented these protocols correctly.

Finally, special thanks to Wim for writing and maintaining both MatterIRCD and Matterbridge.

(Editor’s note: This post was written by Paul Rothrock, Customer Community Manager at Mattermost, Inc. If you have any feedback or questions about Mattermost Recipe: How to connect IRC to Mattermost, please let us know.)

Extend Mattermost through Deeper Integrations

Integrations Directory

A big advantage of Mattermost compared with closed source messaging platforms is that it integrates with existing apps and workflows through integrations developed by the open source community.

We’ve made it easier to find these apps with a convenient . We’ve also made it easier to submit your open source integrations and be recognized by the community.

Discover multiple ways to extend your integrations including: RESTful APIs, drivers, webhooks, slash commands, and command line interface.

Got feedback? Share your suggestions on how we can improve the application directory in the comments section.

APIv4 Endpoints Release Candidate

To make the Mattermost API web service easier to use and to offer more powerful options for these integrations, we announced a new API version as beta with our 3.7 release. We have worked further on this and are delighted to announce it as production with more powerful endpoints in 3.9.

Highlights include:

  • Fully documented API endpoints
  • More in-depth access to server functionality
  • Wider use of established HTTP verbs
  • Consistent endpoint structures
  • A new and improved Go driver

The release includes drivers for JS and Go; the community is building drivers for Python, PHP and C#.

To find out more, visit the APIv4 documentation site.

Customize log configuration and output targets (E20 Edition)

You can now customize log level records beyond the standard levels of trace, debug, info, and panic, as well as configure different destinations based on discrete log levels. 

For example, if you are working on websockets, you can create log entries for all aspects of the websocket lifecycle using one or more discrete log levels. You can then configure a log target that only includes those websocket log levels to get a clean view of websocket activity that can be easily turned on and off.

The logging package is now also capable of outputting to multiple instances of each target. For example, you may specify that all log records at log level “error” output to a specific file while “info,” “debug,” and “trace” end up in a different file. Three targets have been chosen to support the vast majority of log aggregators and other log analysis tools without having to install additional software.

  • File target supports rotation and compression triggered by size and/or duration
  • Syslog target supports local and remote syslog servers, with or without TLS transport
  • TCP socket target can be configured with an IP address or domain name, port, and optional TLS encryption

Manage members and channels in the System Console using filters (E20 Edition)

You can efficiently manage your members and channels from the System Console using search filters. On both the team members page and the channel members page, you can filter members by roles:

  • Guest
  • Member
  • Team Admin/Channel Admin
  • System Admin

On the Channel page in the System Console, you can apply one or more of the following filters:

  • Public channels
  • Private channels
  • Archived channels
  • Channels that are synchronized to an AD/LDAP Group
  • Channels with users who were invited manually (i.e., not synced from LDAP)

Once you apply your filters, you can drill further into your channel lists by applying an additional search query to the filtered lists.

Why live chat through Mattermost?

We decided to build our live chat service on top of Mattermost for a number of reasons.

1. Minimal infrastructure change

Integrating Hybrid.Chat with Mattermost enables users to enjoy the benefits of live chat without drastically changing the existing infrastructure.

2. No learning curve 

You don’t need to install any new software to get started with live chat. It saves you the time and effort needed to train the team to adapt to a new software.

3. Cost-effective

Anyone in your team or a department can answer the chats that come in. So, there’s no need to hire dedicated customer support staff.

On a side note, while trying out other live chat software, we found that Mattermost had much better support for mobile and desktop apps across all operating systems than other services.

Mattermost Hackfest 2019: a smashing success

Our most recent hackfest wrapped up a few weeks ago, and we couldn’t be more excited about how our community helped strengthen the Mattermost open source project.

Altogether, we received more than 85 contributions from 36 unique contributors. Huge thanks to everyone who participated in the event.

We’re happy to announce that William Gathoye was the “winner” of our hackfest, for working on an MSI installer for the Mattermost Windows Desktop App that will ship with v4.3.

For more hackfest highlights, read this.

Interested in contributing to the Mattermost project? Stop by our contributors’ community channel and say hello and learn how to get started here.


Онлайн курсы по Mikrotik

Если у вас есть желание научиться работать с роутерами микротик и стать специалистом в этой области, рекомендую пройти курсы по программе, основанной на информации из официального курса MikroTik Certified Network Associate. Помимо официальной программы, в курсах будут лабораторные работы, в которых вы на практике сможете проверить и закрепить полученные знания. Все подробности на сайте .

Стоимость обучения весьма демократична, хорошая возможность получить новые знания в актуальной на сегодняшний день предметной области. Особенности курсов:

  • Знания, ориентированные на практику;
  • Реальные ситуации и задачи;
  • Лучшее из международных программ.
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