Lxml 4.4.0

Dealing with stylesheet complexity

Some applications require a larger set of rather diverse stylesheets.
lxml.etree allows you to deal with this in a number of ways. Here are
some ideas to try.

The most simple way to reduce the diversity is by using XSLT
parameters that you pass at call time to configure the stylesheets.
The partial() function in the functools module
may come in handy here. It allows you to bind a set of keyword
arguments (i.e. stylesheet parameters) to a reference of a callable
stylesheet. The same works for instances of the XPath()
evaluator, obviously.

You may also consider creating stylesheets programmatically. Just
create an XSL tree, e.g. from a parsed template, and then add or
replace parts as you see fit. Passing an XSL tree into the XSLT()
constructor multiple times will create independent stylesheets, so
later modifications of the tree will not be reflected in the already
created stylesheets. This makes stylesheet generation very straight

Unescaping XML

The xml.sax.saxutils module provides an unescape() function as well. This function converts the &, >, and < entity references back to the corresponding characters:

>>> from xml.sax.saxutils import unescape
>>> unescape("< & >")
'< & >'

Note that the predefined entities &apos; and &quot; are not supported by default. Like the escape() and quoteattr() functions, unescape() can be provided with an additional mapping of replacements that should be performed. This can be used to add support for the additional predefined entities:

>>> unescape("&apos; &quot;", {"&apos;": "'", "&quot;": '"'})

This can also be used to perform replacements for longer strings.

Note that the unescape() function does not deal with arbitrary character references. This could be accomplished by passing in a really large mapping as the second argument, but that’s pretty silly given the size of the mapping that’s required to support both decimal and hexadecimal character references (and the hexadecimal references containing A-F would need to be accounted for in all permutations of upper and lower case, and leading zeros would need to be considered). If we want character references to be considered, we can use the Expat XML parser included with all recent versions of Python. This function will do the trick:

import xml.parsers.expat

def unescape(s):
    want_unicode = False
    if isinstance(s, unicode):
        s = s.encode("utf-8")
        want_unicode = True

    # the rest of this assumes that `s` is UTF-8
    list = []

    # create and initialize a parser object
    p = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate("utf-8")
    p.buffer_text = True
    p.returns_unicode = want_unicode
    p.CharacterDataHandler = list.append

    # parse the data wrapped in a dummy element
    # (needed so the "document" is well-formed)
    p.Parse("<e>", )
    p.Parse(s, )
    p.Parse("</e>", 1)

    # join the extracted strings and return
    es = ""
    if want_unicode:
        es = u""
    return es.join(list)

Note the extra work we have to go to so that the result has the same type as the input; this came for free with the .replace()-based approaches.

Using this unescape() function provides support for character references and the predefined entities, but does not let us extend the mapping with additional entity definitions (a more elaborate function could make that possible, though). Assuming we’ve imported this from whatever module we stored it in, we get:

>>> unescape("abc")
>>> unescape(u"abc")
>>> unescape("&#x61;&#98;&#x63;")

We also get support for constructs that we might not want in some contexts, though these are probably acceptable since we’re looking at XML data:

>>> unescape("a<!]>c")
>>> unescape("a<!--wow!-->bc<!--this is really long-->")


ElementTree supports a language named ElementPath in its find*() methods.
One of the main differences between XPath and ElementPath is that the XPath
language requires an indirection through prefixes for namespace support,
whereas ElementTree uses the Clark notation ({ns}name) to avoid prefixes
completely. The other major difference regards the capabilities of both path
languages. Where XPath supports various sophisticated ways of restricting the
result set through functions and boolean expressions, ElementPath only
supports pure path traversal without nesting or further conditions. So, while
the ElementPath syntax is self-contained and therefore easier to write and
handle, XPath is much more powerful and expressive.

lxml.etree bridges this gap through the class ETXPath, which accepts XPath
expressions with namespaces in Clark notation. It is identical to the
XPath class, except for the namespace notation. Normally, you would

>>> root = etree.XML("<root xmlns='ns'><a><b/></a><b/></root>")

>>> find = etree.XPath("//p:b", namespaces={'p'  'ns'})
>>> print(find(root)[.tag)

ETXPath allows you to change this to:

What standards does lxml implement?

The compliance to XML Standards depends on the support in libxml2 and libxslt.
Here is a quote from http://xmlsoft.org/:

lxml currently supports libxml2 2.6.20 or later, which has even better
support for various XML standards. The important ones are:

  • XML 1.0
  • HTML 4
  • XML namespaces
  • XML Schema 1.0
  • XPath 1.0
  • XInclude 1.0
  • XSLT 1.0
  • XML catalogs
  • canonical XML
  • RelaxNG
  • xml:id
  • xml:base

Support for XML Schema is currently not 100% complete in libxml2, but
is definitely very close to compliance. Schematron is supported in
two ways, the best being the original ISO Schematron reference
implementation via XSLT. libxml2 also supports loading documents
through HTTP and FTP.

How can I sort the attributes?

lxml preserves the order in which attributes were originally created.
There is one case in which this is difficult: when attributes are passed
in a dict or as keyword arguments to the Element() factory. Before Python
3.6, dicts had no predictable order.
Since Python 3.6, however, dicts also preserve the creation order of their keys,
and lxml makes use of that since release 4.4.
In earlier versions, lxml tries to assure at least reproducible output by
sorting the attributes from the dict before creating them. All sequential
ways to set attributes keep their order and do not apply sorting. Also,
OrderedDict instances are recognised and not sorted.

In cases where you cannot control the order in which attributes are created,
you can still change it before serialisation. To sort them by name, for example,
you can apply the following function:

Elements carry attributes as a dict

XML elements support attributes. You can create them directly in the Element

>>> root = etree.Element("root", interesting="totally")
>>> etree.tostring(root)
b'<root interesting="totally"/>'

Attributes are just unordered name-value pairs, so a very convenient way
of dealing with them is through the dictionary-like interface of Elements:

>>> print(root.get("interesting"))

>>> print(root.get("hello"))
>>> root.set("hello", "Huhu")
>>> print(root.get("hello"))

>>> etree.tostring(root)
b'<root interesting="totally" hello="Huhu"/>'

>>> sorted(root.keys())

>>> for name, value in sorted(root.items()):
...     print('%s = %r' % (name, value))
hello = 'Huhu'
interesting = 'totally'

For the cases where you want to do item lookup or have other reasons for
getting a ‘real’ dictionary-like object, e.g. for passing it around,
you can use the attrib property:

>>> attributes = root.attrib

>>> print(attributes"interesting"])
>>> print(attributes.get("no-such-attribute"))

>>> attributes"hello" = "Guten Tag"
>>> print(attributes"hello"])
Guten Tag
>>> print(root.get("hello"))
Guten Tag

Note that attrib is a dict-like object backed by the Element itself.
This means that any changes to the Element are reflected in attrib
and vice versa. It also means that the XML tree stays alive in memory
as long as the attrib of one of its Elements is in use. To get an
independent snapshot of the attributes that does not depend on the XML
tree, copy it into a dict:

Parsing XML with SAX APIs

SAX is a standard interface for event-driven XML parsing. Parsing XML with SAX generally requires you to create your own ContentHandler by subclassing xml.sax.ContentHandler.

Your ContentHandler handles the particular tags and attributes of your flavor(s) of XML. A ContentHandler object provides methods to handle various parsing events. Its owning parser calls ContentHandler methods as it parses the XML file.

The methods startDocument and endDocument are called at the start and the end of the XML file. The method characters(text) is passed character data of the XML file via the parameter text.

The ContentHandler is called at the start and end of each element. If the parser is not in namespace mode, the methods startElement(tag, attributes) and endElement(tag) are called; otherwise, the corresponding methods startElementNS and endElementNS are called. Here, tag is the element tag, and attributes is an Attributes object.

Here are other important methods to understand before proceeding −

My program crashes when run with mod_python/Pyro/Zope/Plone/…

These environments can use threads in a way that may not make it obvious when
threads are created and what happens in which thread. This makes it hard to
ensure lxml’s threading support is used in a reliable way. Sadly, if problems
arise, they are as diverse as the applications, so it is difficult to provide
any generally applicable solution. Also, these environments are so complex
that problems become hard to debug and even harder to reproduce in a
predictable way. If you encounter crashes in one of these systems, but your
code runs perfectly when started by hand, the following gives you a few hints
for possible approaches to solve your specific problem:

  • make sure you use recent versions of libxml2, libxslt and lxml. The
    libxml2 developers keep fixing bugs in each release, and lxml also
    tries to become more robust against possible pitfalls. So newer
    versions might already fix your problem in a reliable way. Version
    2.2 of lxml contains many improvements.

  • make sure the library versions you installed are really used. Do
    not rely on what your operating system tells you! Print the version
    constants in lxml.etree from within your runtime environment to
    make sure it is the case. This is especially a problem under
    MacOS-X when newer library versions were installed in addition to
    the outdated system libraries. Please read the bugs section
    regarding MacOS-X in this FAQ.

  • if you use mod_python, try setting this option:

  • in a threaded environment, try to initially import lxml.etree
    from the main application thread instead of doing first-time imports
    separately in each spawned worker thread. If you cannot control the
    thread spawning of your web/application server, an import of
    lxml.etree in sitecustomize.py or usercustomize.py may still do
    the trick.

  • compile lxml without threading support by running setup.py with the
    --without-threading option. While this might be slower in certain
    scenarios on multi-processor systems, it might also keep your application
    from crashing, which should be worth more to you than peek performance.
    Remember that lxml is fast anyway, so concurrency may not even be worth it.

  • look out for fancy XSLT stuff like foreign document access or
    passing in subtrees trough XSLT variables. This might or might not
    work, depending on your specific usage. Again, later versions of
    lxml and libxslt provide safer support here.

  • try copying trees at suspicious places in your code and working with
    those instead of a tree shared between threads. Note that the
    copying must happen inside the target thread to be effective, not in
    the thread that created the tree. Serialising in one thread and
    parsing in another is also a simple (and fast) way of separating
    thread contexts.

  • try keeping thread-local copies of XSLT stylesheets, i.e. one per thread,
    instead of sharing one. Also see the question above.

  • you can try to serialise suspicious parts of your code with explicit thread
    locks, thus disabling the concurrency of the runtime system.

XPath サポート¶

このモジュールは木構造内の要素の位置決めのための XPath 式 を限定的にサポートしています。その目指すところは短縮構文のほんの一部だけのサポートであり、XPath エンジンのフルセットは想定していません。


以下はこのモジュールの XPath 機能の一部を紹介する例です。 節から XML 文書 を使用します:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

root = ET.fromstring(countrydata)

# Top-level elements

# All 'neighbor' grand-children of 'country' children of the top-level
# elements

# Nodes with name='Singapore' that have a 'year' child

# 'year' nodes that are children of nodes with name='Singapore'

# All 'neighbor' nodes that are the second child of their parent

For XML with namespaces, use the usual qualified notation:

# All dublin-core "title" tags in the document

Who uses lxml?

As an XML library, lxml is often used under the hood of in-house
server applications, such as web servers or applications that
facilitate some kind of content management. Many people who deploy
Zope, Plone or Django use it together with lxml in the background,
without speaking publicly about it. Therefore, it is hard to get an
idea of who uses it, and the following list of ‘users and projects we
know of’ is very far from a complete list of lxml’s users.

Also note that the compatibility to the ElementTree library does not
require projects to set a hard dependency on lxml — as long as they do
not take advantage of lxml’s enhanced feature set.

  • cssutils,
    a CSS parser and toolkit, can be used with lxml.cssselect
  • Deliverance,
    a content theming tool
  • Enfold Proxy 4,
    a web server accelerator with on-the-fly XSLT processing
  • Inteproxy,
    a secure HTTP proxy
  • lwebstring,
    an XML template engine
  • openpyxl,
    a library to read/write MS Excel 2007 files
  • OpenXMLlib,
    a library for handling OpenXML document meta data
  • PsychoPy,
    psychology software in Python
  • Pycoon,
    a WSGI web development framework based on XML pipelines
  • pycsw,
    an OGC CSW server implementation written in Python
  • PyQuery,
    a query framework for XML/HTML, similar to jQuery for JavaScript
  • python-docx,
    a package for handling Microsoft’s Word OpenXML format
  • Rambler,
    news aggregator on Runet
  • rdfadict,
    an RDFa parser with a simple dictionary-like interface.
  • xupdate-processor,
    an XUpdate implementation for lxml.etree
  • Diazo,
    an XSLT-under-the-hood web site theming engine

Zope3 and some of its extensions have good support for lxml:

  • gocept.lxml,
    Zope3 interface bindings for lxml
  • z3c.rml,
    an implementation of ReportLab’s RML format
  • zif.sedna,
    an XQuery based interface to the Sedna OpenSource XML database

Parsing the Book Example¶

Well, the result of that example was kind of boring. Most of the time, you want to save the data you extract and do something with it, not just print it out to stdout. So for our next example, we’ll create a data structure to contain the results. Our data structure for this example will be a list of dicts. We’ll use the MSDN book example here from the earlier chapter again. Save the following XML as example.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
   <book id="bk101">
      <author>Gambardella, Matthew</author>
      <title>XML Developer's Guide</title>
      <description>An in-depth look at creating applications
      with XML.</description>
   <book id="bk102">
      <author>Ralls, Kim</author>
      <title>Midnight Rain</title>
      <description>A former architect battles corporate zombies,
      an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen
      of the world.</description>
   <book id="bk103">
      <author>Corets, Eva</author>
      <title>Maeve Ascendant</title>
      <description>After the collapse of a nanotechnology
      society in England, the young survivors lay the
      foundation for a new society.</description>

Now let’s parse this XML and put it in our data structure!

from lxml import etree

def parseBookXML(xmlFile):

    with open(xmlFile) as fobj
        xml = fobj.read()

    root = etree.fromstring(xml)

    book_dict = {}
    books = []
    for book in root.getchildren():
        for elem in book.getchildren():
            if not elem.text
                text = "None"
                text = elem.text
            print(elem.tag + " => " + text)
            book_dictelem.tag = text
        if book.tag == "book"
            book_dict = {}
    return books

if __name__ == "__main__"

This example is pretty similar to our last one, so we’ll just focus on the differences present here. Right before we start iterating over the context, we create an empty dictionary object and an empty list. Then inside the loop, we create our dictionary like this:

book_dictelem.tag = text

The text is either elem.text or None. Finally, if the tag happens to be book, then we’re at the end of a book section and need to add the dict to our list as well as reset the dict for the next book. As you can see, that is exactly what we have done. A more realistic example would be to put the extracted data into a Book class. I have done the latter with json feeds before.

Other ways to increase performance

In addition to the use of specific methods within lxml, you can
use approaches outside of the library to influence execution speed. Some
of these are simple code changes; others require new thinking about how to
handle large data problems.


The Psyco module is an often-missed way to increase the speed of Python
applications with minimal work. Typical gains for a pure Python program
are between two and four times, but lxml does most of its work in C, so
the difference is unusually small. When I ran with Psyco enabled, I reduced runtime by only three seconds
(43.9 seconds versus 47.3 seconds). Psyco has a large memory overhead
which might even negate any gains if the machine has to go to swap.

If your lxml-driven application has core pure Python code that’s executed
frequently (perhaps extensive string manipulation on text nodes), you
might benefit if you enable Psyco for only those methods. For more
information about Psyco, see .


If, instead, your application relies mostly on internal, C-driven lxml
features, it might be to your advantage to run it as a threaded
application in a multiprocessor environment. There are restrictions on how
to start the threads—especially with XSLT. Consult the FAQ section
on threads in the lxml documentation for more information.

Divide and conquer

If it is possible to divide extremely large documents into individually
analyzable subtrees, then it becomes feasible to split the document at the
subtree level (using lxml’s fast serialization) and distribute the work on
those files among multiple computers. Employing on-demand virtual servers
is an increasingly popular solution for executing central processing unit
(CPU) bound offline tasks.


If all you need to do with an XML file is grab some text from within a
single node, it might be possible to use a simple regular expression that
will probably operate faster than any XML parser. In practice, though,
this is nearly impossible to get right when the data is at all complex,
and I do not recommend it. XML libraries are invaluable when true data
manipulation is required.

Serializing XML to a string or file is where lxml excels because it relies
on C code directly. If your task requires any
serialization at all, lxml is a clear choice, but there are some tricks to
get the best performance out of the library.

Use when serializing

lxml retains references between child nodes and their parents. One effect
of this is that a node in lxml can have one and only one parent.
(cElementTree has no concept of parent nodes.)

takes each in
the copyright file and writes a simplified record containing only the
title and the copyright information.

Listing 6. Serialize an element’s
from lxml import etree
import deepcopy 

def serialize(elem):
    # Output a new tree like:
    # <SimplerRecord>
    #   <Title>This title</Title>
    #   <Copyright><Date>date</Date><Id>id</Id></Copyright>
    # </SimplerRecord>
    # Create a new root node
    r = etree.Element('SimplerRecord')

    # Create a new child
    t = etree.SubElement(r, 'Title')

    # Set this child's text attribute to the original text contents of <Title>
    t.text = elem.iterchildren(tag='Title').next().text

    # Deep copy a descendant tree
    for c in elem.iterchildren(tag='Copyright'):
        r.append( deepcopy(c) )
    return r

out = open('titles.xml', 'w')
context = etree.iterparse('copyright.xml', events=('end',), tag='Record')

# Iterate through each of the <Record> nodes using our fast iteration method
          # For each <Record>, serialize a simplified version and write it
          # to the output file
          lambda elem: 
                 etree.tostring(serialize(elem), encoding='utf-8')))

Don’t use to simply replicate the text of a single
node. It’s faster to create a new node, populate its text attribute
manually, and then serialize it. In my tests, calling
for both and
was 15 percent slower than the code in . You’ll see the greatest performance
boosts from when serializing large descendant trees.

When benchmarked against cElementTree using the code in , lxml’s serializer was almost twice as
fast (50 seconds versus 95 seconds):

Listing 7. Serializing with
def serialize_cet(elem):
    r = cet.Element('Record')

    # Create a new element with the same text child
    t = cet.SubElement(r, 'Title')
    t.text = elem.find('Title').text

    # ElementTree does not store parent references -- an element can
    # exist in multiple trees. It's not necessary to use deepcopy here.
    for c in elem.findall('Copyright'):
    return r

context = cet.iterparse('copyright.xml', events=('end','start'))
context = iter(context)
event, root = context.next()

for event, elem in context:
    if elem.tag == 'Record' and event =='end':
        result = serialize_cet(elem)
        out.write(cet.tostring(result, encoding='utf-8'))

For more information about this iteration pattern, see «Incremental
Parsing» of the ElementTree documentation. (See for a link.)

Who uses lxml?

As an XML library, lxml is often used under the hood of in-house
server applications, such as web servers or applications that
facilitate some kind of content management. Many people who deploy
Zope, Plone or Django use it together with lxml in the background,
without speaking publicly about it. Therefore, it is hard to get an
idea of who uses it, and the following list of ‘users and projects we
know of’ is very far from a complete list of lxml’s users.

Also note that the compatibility to the ElementTree library does not
require projects to set a hard dependency on lxml — as long as they do
not take advantage of lxml’s enhanced feature set.

  • cssutils,
    a CSS parser and toolkit, can be used with lxml.cssselect
  • Deliverance,
    a content theming tool
  • Enfold Proxy 4,
    a web server accelerator with on-the-fly XSLT processing
  • Inteproxy,
    a secure HTTP proxy
  • lwebstring,
    an XML template engine
  • openpyxl,
    a library to read/write MS Excel 2007 files
  • OpenXMLlib,
    a library for handling OpenXML document meta data
  • PsychoPy,
    psychology software in Python
  • Pycoon,
    a WSGI web development framework based on XML pipelines
  • pycsw,
    an OGC CSW server implementation written in Python
  • PyQuery,
    a query framework for XML/HTML, similar to jQuery for JavaScript
  • python-docx,
    a package for handling Microsoft’s Word OpenXML format
  • Rambler,
    a meta search engine that aggregates different data sources
  • rdfadict,
    an RDFa parser with a simple dictionary-like interface.
  • xupdate-processor,
    an XUpdate implementation for lxml.etree
  • Diazo,
    an XSLT-under-the-hood web site theming engine

Zope3 and some of its extensions have good support for lxml:

  • gocept.lxml,
    Zope3 interface bindings for lxml
  • z3c.rml,
    an implementation of ReportLab’s RML format
  • zif.sedna,
    an XQuery based interface to the Sedna OpenSource XML database

Finding elements quickly

After parsing, the most common XML task is to locate specific data of
interest inside the parsed tree. lxml offers several approaches, from a
simplified search syntax to full XPath 1.0. As a user, you should be aware
of the performance characteristics and optimization techniques for each

Avoid use of and

The and methods, inherited from the
ElementTree API, locate one or more descendant nodes using a simplified
XPath-like expression language called ElementPath. Users migrating from
ElementTree to lxml can naturally continue to use the find/ElementPath

lxml supplies two other options for discovering subnodes: the
/ methods and true
XPath. In cases where the expression should match a node name, it is far
faster (in some cases twice as fast) to use the
or methods with their optional tag parameter
when compared to their equivalent ElementPath expressions.

For more complex patterns, use the class to precompile
search patterns. Simple patterns that mimic the behavior of
with tag arguments (for example,
) execute in effectively the same
time as their equivalents. It’s important to
precompile, though. Compiling the pattern in each execution of the loop or
using the method on an element (described in the lxml
documentation, see ) can be
almost twice as slow as compiling once and then using that pattern

XPath evaluation in lxml is fast. If only a subset of nodes needs
to be serialized, it is much better to limit with precise XPath
expressions up front than to inspect all the nodes later. For example,
limiting the sample serialization to include only titles containing the
word , as in , takes 60
percent of the time to serialize the full set.

Listing 8. Conditional serialization with XPath
def write_if_node(out, node):
    if node is not None:
        out.write(etree.tostring(node, encoding='utf-8'))

def serialize_with_xpath(elem, xp1, xp2):
    '''Take our source <Record> element and apply two pre-compiled XPath classes.
    Return a node only if the first expression matches.
    r = etree.Element('Record')

    t = etree.SubElement(r, 'Title')
    x = xp1(elem)
    if x:
        t.text = x.text
        for c in xp2(elem):
        return r

xp1 = etree.XPath("child::Title")
xp2 = etree.XPath("child::Copyright")
out = open('out.xml', 'w')
context = etree.iterparse('copyright.xml', events=('end',), tag='Record')
   lambda elem: write_if_node(out, serialize_with_xpath(elem, xp1, xp2)))

Finding nodes in other parts of the

Note that, even when using , it is possible to use
XPath predicates based on looking ahead of the current node. To
find all nodes that are immediately followed
by a record whose title contains the word , do this:

etree.XPath("Title[contains(../Record/following::Record/Title/text(), 'night')]")

However, when using the memory-efficient iteration strategy described in
, this command returns nothing
because preceding nodes are cleared as parsing proceeds through the

etree.XPath("Title[contains(../Record/preceding::Record/Title/text(), 'night')]")

While it is possible to write an efficient algorithm to solve this
particular problem, tasks involving analyses across
nodes—especially those that might be randomly distributed in the
document—are usually more suited for an XML database that uses
XQuery, such as eXist.

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