Вышел centos 6.3
- 套件及應用程式
- Packages and Applications
- Базовый дистрибутив
- Install Media and sha1sum
- Nuevas entregas
- 下載後檢驗安裝映像
- 我如何停用 IPv6?
- 패키지와 응용 프로그램
- Какие группы пакетов входят в каждую из опций, перечисленных во время установки?
- How to help and get help
- Install Media and sha1sum
- Known Issues
- Known Issues
- 基本發行版本
- はじめに
- Загрузка и варианты дистрибутивов
- 主要改动
9.1. 被 CentOS 修改了的套件
- abrt
- anaconda
- apache-commons-net
- basesystem
- cloud-init
- cockpit
- compat-glibc
- dhcp
- firefox
- fwupdate
- grub2
- httpd
- initial-setup
- ipa
- kabi-yum-plugins
- kernel
- kde-settings
- libreport
- ntp
- openssl098e
- oscap-anaconda-addon
- pcs
- plymouth
- redhat-lsb
- redhat-rpm-config
- scap-security-guide
- shim
- shim-signed
- sos
- subscription-manager
- system-config-date
- system-config-kdump
- thunderbird
- xulrunner
- yum
9.2. 被 CentOS 刪除但包含在上游發行內的套件
- insights-client
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes-7-*
- redhat-access-gui
- redhat-bookmarks
- redhat-indexhtml
- redhat-logos
- redhat-release-*
- subscription-manager-migration
- subscription-manager-migration-data
Packages and Applications
8.1. Packages modified by CentOS
- abrt
- anaconda
- dhcp
- esc
- firefox
- gnome-applets
- gnome-desktop
- httpd
- initscripts
- ipa
- kabi-yum-plugins
- kde-settings
- kernel
- libee
- libreport
- librsvg2
- luci
- ntp
- openscap
- openssl-0.9.8e
- pcs
- plymouth
- redhat-bookmarks
- redhat-logos
- redhat-lsb
- redhat-rpm-config
- sos
- system-config-date
- thunderbird
- virt-p2v
- xorg-x11-server
- xulrunner
- yum
8.2. Packages removed from CentOS that are included upstream
- cc-eal4-config
- libehca
- libservicelog
- lsvpd
- libvpd
- openssl-ibmca
- powerpc-utils
- ppc64-diag
- ppc64-utils
- python-rhsm
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes*
- redhat-indexhtml
- redhat-release-*
- redhat-release-notes*
- rhn-client-tools
- rhnlib
- rhn-setup
- rhn-setup-gnome
- rhnsdlibica
- servicelog
- s390utils
- subscription-manager
- subscription-manager-migration-data
- yaboot
- yum-rhn-plugin
Базовый дистрибутив
Замечание: CentOS доступен бесплатно. Мы принимаем (не-финансовые) пожертвования для улучшения, хостинга и продвижения CentOS. Если CentOS важен для вас, пожалуйста, поддержите долгосрочную жизнедеятельность проекта. |
Пожалуйста, воспользуйтесь одним из множества наших зеркал для загрузки CentOS. |
Версия CentOS |
Выпуск (минор) |
CD и DVD образы ISO |
Пакеты |
Сообщение о выпуске |
Примечания |
Конец поддержки |
7 |
7 (1611) |
Rolling: DVD, Minimal, Everything, LiveGNOME, LiveKDE (контрольные суммы) | Зеркала: x86_64 |
30 июня 2024 |
6 |
6.10 |
i386 x86_64 |
30 ноября 2020** |
Информация sha256sum предоставляется через https выше по ссылкам Сообщение о выпуске и Примечания. Вы также можете использовать файл sha256sum.txt.asc, расположенный в любом каталоге с образами ISO или Cloud. Всегда проверяйте скачанные образы перед использованием.
Файлы Bittorrent так же доступны по ссылкам выше.
Rolling сборки обновляются ежемесячно.
** Пожалуйста, обратите внимание на политику Red Hat в отношении поддержки продуктивной фазы 3 для EL6 (действует с 10 мая 2017 года). Будут выпускаться только критические обновления безопасности в продуктивной фазе 3 для EL6 (так же и для CentOS 6)
Пожалуйста прочитайте в этой почтовой рассылке для более подробной информации. Команда CentOS рекомендует начать перемещение рабочих нагрузок с CentOS 6 на CentOS 7.
Install Media and sha1sum
sha1sum i386: ad741581b3d3969bcf867cf1e47160902c8876f6 CentOS-6.2-i386-bin-DVD1.iso 6131d4c8ca2be77a25eaf1c61f94c7500786e683 CentOS-6.2-i386-bin-DVD2.iso 58cddfb2a6bd5094687a36f9fe94ce82967a4af0 CentOS-6.2-i386-LiveCD.iso 6c891e23c959787931fd2eb472211afd51709aa5 CentOS-6.2-i386-LiveDVD.iso 353d7e070a4cfc34148f9610b05cf1c55ad4fa57 CentOS-6.2-i386-minimal.iso 02444d6984089d9fc16ca989781482c8202357f0 CentOS-6.2-i386-netinstall.iso sha1sum x86_64: d97377c83fab7493dbd1c2e04dab29c8ba6cd351 CentOS-6.2-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso 7eac42c403725891b53cd899f0ef7560dc3a9d72 CentOS-6.2-x86_64-bin-DVD2.iso 0c329da3db427c3279d44f15a57ba85341d12197 CentOS-6.2-x86_64-LiveCD.iso 086f102c4c3ee228c5663cbaa2f1d6bf2edf5c4b CentOS-6.2-x86_64-LiveDVD.iso 10b26ce414af86be26f3a47dcc76d8f81e333979 CentOS-6.2-x86_64-minimal.iso 4858a8870cc5048876edd51dead25b9c718fcfbe CentOS-6.2-x86_64-netinstall.iso
Nuevas entregas
Las entregas mayores y menores están disponibles entre 2 a 6 semanas después que el proveedor (Red Hat) publica los SRPMs (paquetes fuentes) de su producto. Este tiempo es necesario para reconstruir, validar y probar (QA), traducir e integrar un trabajo artístico nuevo. Para más información por favor vea El proceso de reconstrucción y entrega de CentOS Linux. Aunque entendemos que algunos de nuestros usuarios están emocionados con la nueva entrega que esta por venir, nosotros le pedimos que sea paciente o ayude en el proceso de entrega.
El Proyecto CentOS no ofrece ninguna de las soluciones para extender la vida útil de puntos de entrega anteriores que el proveedor en ocasiones tiene para sus clientes suscritos. Una vez que el punto de entrega nuevo tiene lugar (diga: 6.3 siguiendo 6.2), ninguún otro paquete fuente (desde los cuales las actualizaciones pueden ser construidos) son entregados para la versión anterior y d eesta forma CentOS Linux no es capaz de producir actualizaciones de seguridad o de otro tipo. Después de un intervalo de transición de pocas semanas, los binarios del punto de entrega viejo son movidos a http://vault.centos.org/. Para más detalles, vea las preguntas y respuestas frecuentes.
在複製已下載的映像到你的安裝媒體前,你應該先 檢查他們的 sha256sum。
sha256sum x86_64: 3213b2c34cecbb3bb817030c7f025396b658634c0cf9c4435fc0b52ec9644667 CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveGNOME-1810.iso 38d5d51d9d100fd73df031ffd6bd8b1297ce24660dc8c13a3b8b4534a4bd291c CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1810.iso 6d44331cc4f6c506c7bbe9feb8468fad6c51a88ca1393ca6b8b486ea04bec3c1 CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1810.iso 87623c8ab590ad0866c5f5d86a2d7ed631c61d69f38acc42ce2c8ddec65ecea2 CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveKDE-1810.iso 918975cdf947e858c9a0c77d6b90a9a56d9977f3a4496a56437f46f46200cf71 CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-1810.iso 19d94274ef856c4dfcacb2e7cfe4be73e442a71dd65cc3fb6e46db826040b56e CentOS-7-x86_64-NetInstall-1810.iso
我如何停用 IPv6?
上游雇员 Daniel Walsh 推荐不要停用 ipv6 模块,因为这样会导致 SELinux 及其它组件出现问题。你可改而在 /etc/sysctl.conf 加入:
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1 net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6 echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/disable_ipv6
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1
附加备注 #1:要是你在停用 IPv6 的系统上转接 X 时遇到问题,请编辑 /etc/ssh/sshd_config 及作出以下一组改动:
(1) 更改这一行
#AddressFamily any
AddressFamily inet
(inet 指定 ipv4;inet6 指定 ipv6)
(2) 删除这行行首的井号(#)
然后重新引导 ssh。
附加备注 #2:要是你在停用 IPv6 的系统上引导 postfix 时遇到问题,你可选择
(1) 编辑 /etc/postfix/main.cf 并备注掉 localhost 部份的设置及采用 ipv4 回路。
#inet_interfaces = localhost inet_interfaces =
(2) 从 /etc/hosts 取掉 ipv6 的 localhost。
附加备注 #3 :如要停用 RPCBIND ipv6(rpcbind、rpc.mountd、prc.statd),请在 /etc/netconfig 备注掉 udp6 及 tcp6 行:
udp tpi_clts v inet udp - - tcp tpi_cots_ord v inet tcp - - #udp6 tpi_clts v inet6 udp - - #tcp6 tpi_cots_ord v inet6 tcp - - rawip tpi_raw - inet - - - local tpi_cots_ord - loopback - - - unix tpi_cots_ord - loopback - - -
패키지와 응용 프로그램
7.1. CentOS 에 의해 수정된 패키지
- abrt
- anaconda
- cloud-init
- dhcp
- esc
- firefox
- gnome-applets
- gnome-desktop
- httpd
- initscripts
- ipa
- kabi-yum-plugins
- kde-settings
- kernel
- libee
- libreport
- luci
- ntp
- openchange
- openssl098e
- pcs
- plymouth
- redhat-bookmarks
- redhat-logos
- redhat-lsb
- redhat-rpm-config
- sos
- system-config-date
- thunderbird
- virt-p2v
- xorg-x11-server
- xulrunner
- yum
- zsh
7.2. 업스트림에 있지만 CentOS에서 제거된 패키지
- cc-eal4-config
- insights-client
- libehca
- libservicelog
- lsvpd
- libvpd
- openssl-ibmca
- powerpc-utils
- ppc64-diag
- ppc64-utils
- python-rhsm
- Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes*
- redhat-access-insights
- redhat-indexhtml
- redhat-release-*
- redhat-release-notes*
- redhat-support-lib-python
- redhat-support-tool
- rhn-client-tools
- rhnlib
- rhn-setup
- rhn-setup-gnome
- rhnsd
- rhnsdlibica
- sapconf
- servicelog
- s390utils
- subscription-manager
- subscription-manager-migration-data
- virt-who
- yaboot
- yum-rhn-plugin
7.4. CentOS 6.9 업데이트 보다 6.10 설치 미디어의 더 오래된 패지키
Какие группы пакетов входят в каждую из опций, перечисленных во время установки?
Если судить по файлу /usr/lib/anaconda/installclasses/rhel.py из images/install.img, то следующие:
Desktop: base, core, debugging, directory-client, java-platform, network-file-system-client, server-platform, fonts, print-client, basic-desktop, desktop-debugging, desktop-platform, general-desktop, graphical-admin-tools, input-methods, legacy-x, x11, internet-applications, internet-browser, office-suite, remote-desktop-clients
Minimal Desktop: base, core, debugging, directory-client, java-platform, network-file-system-client, server-platform, fonts, print-client, basic-desktop, desktop-debugging, desktop-platform, input-methods, legacy-x, x11, internet-browser, remote-desktop-clients
Minimal: core
Basic Server: base, console-internet, core, debugging, directory-client, hardware-monitoring, java-platform, large-systems, network-file-system-client, performance, perl-runtime, server-platform
Database Server: base, console-internet, core, debugging, directory-client, hardware-monitoring, java-platform, large-systems, network-file-system-client, performance, perl-runtime, server-platform, mysql-client, mysql, postgresql-client, postgresql, system-admin-tools
Web Server: base, console-internet, core, debugging, directory-client, java-platform, network-file-system-client, performance, perl-runtime, server-platform, web-server, web-servlet, php, turbogears, mysql-client, postgresql-client
Virtual Host: base, console-internet, core, debugging, directory-client, hardware-monitoring, java-platform, large-systems, network-file-system-client, performance, perl-runtime, server-platform, virtualization, virtualization-client, virtualization-platform
Software Development Workstation: base, core, debugging, directory-client, java-platform, network-file-system-client, performance, perl-runtime, server-platform, fonts, print-client, basic-desktop, desktop-debugging, desktop-platform, general-desktop, graphical-admin-tools, input-methods, legacy-x, x11, internet-browser, graphics, emacs, tex, remote-desktop-clients, virtualization, virtualization-client, virtualization-platform, desktop-platform-devel, development, eclipse, server-platform-devel, technical-writing, additional-devel
Состав каждой группы, в свою очередь, можно узнать при помощи:
yum groupinfo <groupname>
How to help and get help
As a CentOS user there are various ways you can help out with the CentOS community. Take a look at our Contribute page for further information on how to get involved.
11.1. Special Interest Groups
CentOS consists of different Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that bring together people with similar interests. The following SIGs already exist (among others):
Artwork — create and improve artwork for CentOS releases and promotion
Promotion — help promoting CentOS online or at events
Virtualization — unite people around virtualization in CentOS
And we encourage people to join any of these SIGs or start up a new SIG, e.g.
- ARM, PPC and i386 port — help with porting CentOS to other architectures
- Hardware compatibility — provide feedback about specific hardware
- RPM Packaging — contribute new useful RPM packages
- Translation — help translating the documentation, website and Wiki content
11.3. Wiki and Website
Even as an inexperienced CentOS user we can use your help. Because we like to know what problems you encountered, if you had problems finding specific information, how you would improve documentation so it becomes more accessible. This kind of feedback is as valuable to others as it would have been to you so your involvement is required to make CentOS better.
So if you want to help out and improve our documentation and Wiki, or subscribe to the centos-docs mailing list.
11.4. IRC Presence
The CentOS project maintains a presence on the freenode IRC network as an additional venue for community support and interaction. Please see our IRC wiki article for more information.
Install Media and sha1sum
The installation kit is split into two DVDs. It is possible to do a full install with only the first DVD. The second DVD contains only supplementary RPMs, which can be installed afterwards if needed. The installer does not ask for the second DVD during installation.
sha1sum i386: 4bd3a1de6f6dfcd7a2199487abf5a9304d696cae CentOS-6.4-i386-bin-DVD1.iso fb096cd6ac88959a287256c76c7292ae2ef53f32 CentOS-6.4-i386-bin-DVD2.iso ddb63a0af2c1d63b8e9b7342c7f52a86b1842689 CentOS-6.4-i386-minimal.iso 6ffc9f3a5f4332b55cc35f1eb3ebb39f5aa8edb6 CentOS-6.4-i386-netinstall.iso sha1sum x86_64: 8672dc087f1b0eda60b9efaa41b82f034f185e24 CentOS-6.4-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso db16ec15897dcb7a01e7434486075f43ca982c4b CentOS-6.4-x86_64-bin-DVD2.iso 6232efa014d9c6798396b63152c4c9a08b279f5e CentOS-6.4-x86_64-minimal.iso 77817ed6e879da155b6f3dc98e0698e8993e28f8 CentOS-6.4-x86_64-netinstall.iso
Known Issues
- On UEFI-capable systems, CentOS 6.x writes its boot configuration to /boot/efi/EFI/redhat. This will cause problems for those who want to have CentOS and RHEL installed on the same system. This issue may remain unfixed for the lifetime of CentOS 6. CentOS 7 does not have this issue.
VirtualBox may have problems starting CentOS 6 VMs that were created in UEFI mode.
boost-1.41.0-27.el6 as included in CentOS 6.7 may have issues building certain packages. See upstream bug #1245805 for details. If this is a problem for you, we recommend using boost-1.41.0-25.el6.centos from CentOS 6.6 updates until this issue has been fixed.
The satyr package from EPEL (now removed because of conflict with RHEL 6.7) is newer than the version included in CentOS 6.7. The package from EPEL seems to work OK as well. We have not observed any negative impacts from this issue. If you have already installed satyr from EPEL and want to switch to the CentOS version, try yum downgrade satyr.
- The json-c package from EPEL is older than the version included in CentOS 6.7. If you have already installed json-c from EPEL, uninstall it before updating the system to 6.7 to avoid possible yum issues.
sssd-common is no longer multilib in CentOS 6.7. If you have the 32bit sssd-common installed on your x86_64 system, you will need to remove it with yum remove sssd-common.i686 prior to updating.
The netinstall isos do not work with UEFI installs, but the minimal or DVD isos do work with UEFI. No versions of CentOS-6.7 will work with Secure Boot turned on. Secure Boot must be disabled to install CentOS-6.7. (For further detail please take a look at CentOS Bug #6321).
On Intel and AMD based processor architectures, CentOS 6 requires PAE support for 32-bit x86 chips, following the upstream’s requirement
- The installer needs at least 406MB of memory to work. Text mode will automatically be used if the system has less than 632MB of memory.
The text installer has limited capabilities compared to the GUI installer. Most notably there is no support for configuring partition layout, storage methods or package selection. Please refer to for details. Here you can find some useful information on creating and using kickstart files which can be used to perform advanced configuring without the need for the GUI installer.
- The message «Insufficient memory to configure kdump!» appears during install. This is a known issue which appears on systems with less than 2 GB RAM. This can be ignored.
- Content for both the i386 and x86_64 architectures is split into two DVDs. We have tried to get all basic server and basic desktop installs only from DVD-1.
- Make sure that you setup correctly the selinux context of the public key if you transfer it to a CentOS 6 server with selinux enabled. Otherwise selinux might forbid access to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file and by matter of consequence key authentication will not work. In order to setup the correct context you can use:
restorecon -R -v /home/$ACCOUNT/.ssh
ssh-copy-id from CentOS 6 is aware of selinux contexts and the previous workaround is not needed.
Many people have complained that Ethernet interfaces are not started with the new default NetworkManager tool. See .
Several packages have .centos. in their name but are not modified packages, see CentOS Bug #5281 for details. Here are the SRPMS still affected in the 6.7:
- at-spi
- gtk2-engines
- libcanberra
- libgail-gnome
tigervnc has .centos. in the package name because it was rebuilt against new dependencies. The package itself has not been changed. See CentOS Bug #7804.
One can do USB key installs by using dd to copy individual ISO files to a USB key using the device name (not the partition name). This will overwrite the entire USB key. Here is an example for the DVD1:
dd if=CentOS-6.7-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso of=/dev/sdb
Known Issues
The upstream Mozilla NSS disabled support for MD5 hash signed certificates in the 3.14 release, which was added to CentOS 6.4. More details and workarounds can be found in this Fedora bugzilla report
- With this release the ABI for the X.org video drivers changes, possibly resulting in a failing X-Session. If you are running 3rd party drivers — i.e. vBox addons, nVidia, ATI or ELRepo — you need to ensure a compatible driver is loaded. In the case of vBox rebuilding the vBox-addons and restarting the X-Session solves this issue. This should not concern anyone who uses the default drivers shipped with CentOS
Up to version 4.2.10 of vBox the building of the openGL module will fail. See also this thread. 4.2.12 solves this issue.
On Intel and AMD based processor architectures, CentOS 6 requires PAE support for 32-bit x86 chips, following the upstream’s requirement
- The installer needs at least 406MB of memory to work. Text mode will automatically be used if the system has less than 632MB of memory.
The text installer has limited capabilities compared to the GUI installer. Most notably there is no support for configuring partition layout, storage methods or package selection. Please refer to for details. Here you can find some useful information on creating and using kickstart files which can be used to perform advanced configuring without the need for the GUI installer.
- The message «Insufficient memory to configure kdump!» appears during install. This is a known issue which appears on systems with less than 2 GB RAM. This can be ignored.
- Content for both the i386 and x86_64 architectures is split into two DVDs. We have tried to get all basic server and basic desktop installs only from DVD-1.
There is no longer a boot.iso image in the images/ directory of the installation tree. Use the netinstall.iso instead as documented in .
Many people have complained that Ethernet interfaces are not started with the new default NetworkManager tool. See .
The full x86_64 install ISO is bootable on EFI-hardware (For further detail please take a look at CentOS Bug #0005387).
Several packages have .centos. in their name but are not modified packages, see CentOS Bug #0005281 for details. Here are the SRPMS still affected in the 6.4:
- at-spi
- gtk2-engines
- libcanberra
- libgail-gnome
- libwmf
An upgrade of existing installations of CentOS-6 can leave the iptables-multi and ip6tables-multi binaries with incorrect SELinux labels. In turn this fact may break 3rd party applications (such as fail2ban). The bug was reported upstream. A workaround is to run
restorecon -v /sbin/ip*-multi-1.4.7
The proprietary drivers for older AMD (former ATI) video cards, namely the 2xxx, 3xxx and 4xxx series (both integrated in motherboards or standalone cards) are not compatible with the new version of the X server introduced in CentOS-6.4. As of mid-March 2013 the only known workaround allowing the use of the proprietary drivers is to downgrade the X server (xorg* packages) to the versions available in CentOS 6.3. More details about the extensive investigation around this issue is available here. Make sure that you do not allow yum to upgrade again the packages that have been downgraded by adding the following to the end of /etc/yum.conf
Note that use of proprietary drivers was never needed for CentOS-6 if all you wanted was a dual-monitor setup. See for more details on using a dual-monitor setup.
- The old i686 RPM for Samba4 is included on the x86_64 media in CentOS-6.4. Upstream has removed the i686 RPM for the new version of the package, also leaving the old version in the trees. While we have duplicated this, it causes a problem if you try to upgrade an x86_64 install with samba4-*4.0.0-23.alpha11.el6.i686* RPMS installed. Please remove the samba4*.i686 RPMS from your x86_64 install if you have upgrade issues, then perform the upgrade.
- In addition to the samba4 RPM mentioned above, there are also other i686 RPMs that are no longer available on the x86_64 media. If you have any of the following i686 RPMs installed on your x86_64 system, please remove the i686 RPMs before attempting to upgrade: dovecot-devel, evolution-mapi, evolution-mapi-devel, iscsi-initiator-utils, iscsi-initiator-utils-devel, openchange, openchange-devel.
過往版本 |
CentOS Linux 7 |
發行版本 |
所採用 RHEL 源碼(版本) |
存檔目錄樹 |
7 (1908) |
7.7 |
7 (1810) |
7.6 |
7 (1804) |
7.5 |
7 (1708) |
7.4 |
7 (1611) |
7.3 |
7 (1511) |
7.2 |
7 (1503) |
7.1 |
7 (1406) |
7.0 |
CentOS Linux 6 |
發行版本 |
所採用 RHEL 源碼(版本) |
存檔目錄樹 |
6.10 |
6.10 |
6.9 |
6.9 |
6.8 |
6.8 |
6.7 |
6.7 |
6.6 |
6.6 |
6.5 |
6.5 |
6.4 |
6.4 |
6.3 |
6.3 |
6.2 |
6.2 |
6.1 |
6.1 |
6.0 |
6.0 |
CentOS Linux 5 |
發行版本 |
所採用 RHEL 源碼(版本) |
存檔目錄樹 |
5.11 |
5.11 |
5.10 |
5.10 |
5.9 |
5.9 |
5.8 |
5.8 |
5.7 |
5.7 |
5.6 |
5.6 |
5.5 |
5.5 |
5.4 |
5.4 |
5.3 |
5.3 |
5.2 |
5.2 |
5.1 |
5.1 |
5.0 |
5.0 |
CentOS Linux 4 |
發行版本 |
所採用 RHEL 源碼(版本) |
存檔目錄樹 |
4.9 |
4.9 |
4.8 |
4.8 |
4.7 |
4.7 |
4.6 |
4.6 |
4.5 |
4.5 |
4.4 |
4.4 |
4.3 |
4.3 |
4.2 |
4.2 |
4.1 |
4.1 |
4.0 |
4.0 |
CentOS Linux 3 |
發行版本 |
所採用 RHEL 源碼(版本) |
存檔目錄樹 |
3.9 |
3.9 |
3.8 |
3.8 |
3.7 |
3.7 |
3.6 |
3.6 |
3.5 |
3.5 |
3.4 |
3.4 |
3.3 |
3.3 |
3.1 |
3.1 |
CentOS Linux 2.1 |
發行版本 |
所採用 RHEL 源碼(版本) |
存檔目錄樹 |
2.1 |
2.1 |
Translation of revision 194
The CentOS Project は、CentOS のセキュリティに関して、いかなる検証や、認証、またはソフトウェア保証も提供しておりません。CentOS のインストーラーで提供されるセキュリティプロファイルは、RHELソースコードに含まれているものを単純に変換しただけのものです。公的機関の認証および検証されたソフトウェアをお探しの場合には、おそらく CentOS を使用しないことでしょう。セキュリティプロファイルを使用する場合には、こちらの リンク をご参照ください。 |
CentOS-7 は6回目のリリースを迎えました。CentOS は、Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL) 1のソースコードを基に派生した Linux ディストリビューションです。安定した動作で、予測可能で、管理しやすく、再現性の高いプラットフォームです。 このリリースの正式な製品アナウンスは、こちらから読むことができます。
CentOS は、Red Hat 社の再頒布ポリシーに完全に準拠し、アップストリームの製品との完全な機能の互換性の維持を行うことを目指しています。 CentOS は、主に Red Hat の登録商標とアートワークを除去するためにパッケージを改変します。
CentOS では、Red Hat のインストールロールに従わないことにしました。CentOS のインストーラーでは、ディストリビューションに含まれるすべての「チャネル」からのすべてのコンテンツをユーザーが選ぶことができます。
この機能のために必要なツールは、現在テスト中であり、後日リリースする予定です。もし、このテストにご協力頂ける場合には、CentOS-Devel メーリングリストのスレッドおよびWikiのエントリーをご覧ください。
continuous release (CR) repository は、正式リリースが行わるまで、テストとホットフィックスの提供がべースとなっており、CentOS の次のリリースで提供されて、一般的に利用可能なパッケージになります。
Загрузка и варианты дистрибутивов
Для CentOS 8 есть две ветки дистрибутива — CentOS (классический) и CentOS Stream (rolling-ветка с планируемыми изменениями для следующего релиза Red Hat).
Список зеркал для загрузки стабильной версии CentOS 8 можно найти на официальном сайте.
На данный момент, скачать можно только 2 варианта:
- Полный ISO образ на 6.6 Гб. Он включает в себя разные варианты установки от минимальной до сервера с графической оболочкой. Образ можно скачать напрямую с зеркала или через сети торрент.
- Boot-образ. Для загрузки и выбора локального репозитория для последующей загрузки и установки.
Стоит обратить внимание, что варианта Minimal ISO, который хорошо подходил для развертывания серверов и помещался на CD-диск больше нет. Возможно, это временно..
CentOS Stream
Компания Red Hat решила, как и с Fedora, выпустить специальный дистрибутив CentOS, в котором будут обкатываться все изменения, прежде чем они попадут в корпоративный Linux Red Hat.
CentOS Stream выступает как промежуточное звено между Fedora и Red Hat. Это нужно для финального тестирования возможностей системы. Также разработчики и члены сообщества могут принимать участие в планах на доработку дистрибутива.
Список для скачивания CentOS Stream можно посмотреть на официальном сайте.
自 1503 发行版本(abrt>= 2.1.11-19.el7.centos.0.1)开始,CentOS-7 可以直接向 bugs.centos.org 汇报错误,你可以在 这里 找到更多关于此功能的数据
- 下列是其中一些已改版至较新上游版本的软件:samba、pki-core、gcc-libraries、elf-utils、GNOME shell、X11-server、ipset、firewalld、gnutls 及 libreswan
- Net::SMTP 已新增 SSL 的支持
- Open-JDK-11 现已可用
- pNFS SCSI 已不再是预览科技
- Thunderbolt-3 界面已获支持
- 一如既往 —— 不同驱动程序获更新
已下组件已宣布获降级:Python 2、lvm2app、Python 内的 3DES、signtool、sendmail、dmraid、Btrfs 文件系统,某些 rsyslog 选项,某些驱动程序等。更多数据已收录在 RHEL 7.6 发行注记。
如果你准备在 Anaconda 采用安全性配置文件,请参阅此 连结
- ipset 用户请留意,上述的改版包括把 ipset 数据从 /etc/sysconfig/ipset 迁往 /etc/sysconfig/ipset.d/ 并以独立文件存储每个 ipset。利用设置管理程序设置 /etc/sysconfig/ipset 的用户必须更改他们的设置。